Battle Scorpion Miniature

The so called "battle scorpion" is an artefact from the first era recently found in Arkadhian ruins. Scholars from the Arkadhian Institute of Technology believe it is a miniature toy of a military tank the old Empire used in battle. They are using it as a prototype model for the first magitech equipment.


The toy represents a military vehicle resembling a scorpion. It has six articulated legs for movement, three on each side of the main body. On the front, there are two arms with no pinchers, supposedly used as blunt weapons to clear the ground, should enemy infantry come close enough.   On the rear of its main body there is what is thought to be the main weapon, the tail. It ends with a complex structure whose sides are divided in three metal slates that can open to reveal a bright red circle deep inside the structure. Scholars think it was a magitech cannon that the pilot would close to recharge and open to fire.


The toy does not function in any way, and it was probably never intended to do anything at all. Scholars think it was a toy, maybe for children, to convey the power of the Empire. Magitech researchers are working on a functioning magitech prototype about one meter large using the miniature as a blueprint. While not an ideal situation, they created an actual plan of the internal structure by looking at the external appearance.   Their study is still in the initial phase, especially since the energy circuitation technology is not yet available. However, the temporary truce with the Cajenian League gave the Empire some time to build up their forces for the next war.   Imperial inhabitants who do not opposed the war would strongly approve its construction, but the Battle Scorpion project is currently secret. Only a magitech team and the Shadow Court know about it. They plan to make a public presentation and demonstration of the complete model when it will be ready.
Item type
Owning Organization
In the first era it was likely common, maybe mass produced. To date, only one model was found.
About half a kilo
About 20 cm per side

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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