Cugisu Lode, Energised Crystals

The cugisu lode are crystals mined in the mountains in west Arkadhe rich with magical energy. They are used as a fuel for many magical machines in the Empire. Being limited and not well understood, their use is regulated.


Material Characteristics

Energised crystals are grey minerals emitting light blue rays of magical energy at more or less regular intervals, as long as they are charged with energy. They are light and fragile.

Geology & Geography

As of current knowledge, energised crystals can only be found in the mountains west from Arkadhe, the new Empire capital city. In other places of the same mountain range, it is not present. Its presence can be effortlessly detected using advanced magotechnical tools: the rays emitted by a large concentration of energised crystals interfere positively with one another amplifying their intensity to a level high enough for Dzeeman Effect detection tools to react.

Origin & Source

The origin of these particular crystals is still a research subject. There are mainly two proposed formation processes for this material.   The first claims they are just regular crystals formed in caves with a high concentration level of dispersed magical energy: during the long crystallisation process, the energies are trapped into the lattice.   According to the second theory, the crystals are the cause of the high level of dispersed energy and not its result. Scholars proposed that the crystals were regularly formed and then energised, probably by specialised mages of the old Empire in the first era. This would explain why they can only be found there, though other caves with high energy levels exist.   Another interesting theory, once widely spread, now with little support, was that the crystals formed from magical energy and not regular minerals. According to this theory, they were called crystalised energy, lodisu cugi. Now scholars strongly oppose it since the material is unmistakenly a regular crystal and it would require an immense amount of pure energy to form even a small one.

Life & Expiration

Energised crystals continuously disperse their magical energy. After a certain time, depending on many factors, like what composes the environment and the starting amount of energy, the crystal loses all its magical properties. Recent studies suggest the crystals are almost stable in the caves since they can reabsorb part of the lost energy from the environment.   A small crystal with a regular amount of initial energy can last a month in a standard laboratory, a year if properly stored in a high energy level chambers.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

Energised crystals are the only known source of magical energy different from living mages. As such, they play a fundamental role whenever a machine needs fuel. Basooč Ošin golems, for instance, could draw the energy they need to operate from a crystal instead of the pilot, extending their autonomy.   In order to completely exploit the potential of crystals, circuitation of energy is required. Crystals do not possess intrinsic autonomous abilities, they are just containers. For now, mages are still always required to operate a machine: the lode can only provide energy, not use it.   When the circuitation will be finally recovered, crystals will probably be used to power energy plants. This will quickly reduce the number of crystals, estimated to be over in half a century from the start of intensive use. An alternative source is already at study, in particular the possibility of industrially synthesise energised crystals.



When the material is outside its native caves, it deteriorates quickly. To avoid this and extend its lifespan it can be stored in a concentrated containment chamber, a small room with a high level of dispersed magical energies, recreating partially the caves environment. However, such a chamber consumes an elevated quantity of magical energy and can only be powered by mages, given the current technological advancement.   When the request and use of energised crystal will become higher, there will be the necessity of a new, more efficient storage facility.

Law & Regulation

Since the quantity of energised crystals seems to be limited, or at least not easily renewable, their use is strictly regulated: a small annual amount can be mined if there are important research projects about circuitation requiring it. Scholars in need of it must submit a formal request indicating research purpose, quantity desired and containment measures for the material. A committee including the head of the magotechnical department of Arkadhian Institute of Technology and the scientific imperial counsellor discusses and vote the proposal: a qualified majority is required to approve the mining.   After obtaining the material, the group must submit a periodical status of their research. If they are found using less effective containment without approval or if they do not conclude the proposed study, a committee will discuss and apply a fine for the research group.
Grey, light blue
Related Technologies

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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