Head Merchant

The Head Merchant is the highest rank in the Western Phiaro Company hierarchy: successors of Thas Yarutīh, their job is to direct and coordinate all the aspects of the trading process, from the purchase from domestic producers, through the traffics, up to the sale in oversea markets.


The Head Merchant is to be chosen by the Council of Merchants among its own ranks through a majority vote. Only under humanimous vote can the outgoing head merchant be elected again. In case of tie, the vote cast by the head merchant counts twice. There are no strict requirements to be eligible as Head Merchants, expect to be part of the Council. Relevant qualities are to be determined by the members of the Council in relation to the political and commercial climate of their time.
— Statute of the Western Phiaro Company


The head merchant is responsible of coordinating the company efforts from purchase of the goods to sale: they can make use of collaborators and delegate some of their duties, but ultimately theirs is the responsibility of the Company development.   [...]   Undelegable is the organization of the fleet: the head merchant must decide where the ships should be loaded, where should they head and following which route. Prices and cargo fall under the delegable duties.  
— Statute of the Western Phiaro Company

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A term lasts five years, during which the work of the Head Merchant is supervised by the Council. Should the elected person be deemed unfit for the role, the Council has the power of removing them from their seat after at least twelve month has passed since the beginning of the term: heavy economic or material losses give grounds for removal, unless they are provably the effect of measures voted by the Council, as well as a highly debilitating state of health. Enacting the removal requires an extraordinary session of the Council, whose sole point should be the appointment of the new Head Merchant; the outgoing head can still vote, and their vote is still counted twice in case of a tie.   Before the end of term, the Head Merchant can choose to step down from their position willingly at any moment and for any reason: they are not required to provide any excuse to the Council.  
— Statute of the Western Phiaro Company
Length of Term
Five years
First Holder
Related Organizations

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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