Huljake Noha, the Luminescent Orb

The Huljake Noha is an artefact from the Arkadhe Old Empire. It shines powered by magical energies. Most scholars agree about the fact that it still works, two eras and dozens of thousands of years after its creation, thanks to the circuitation of energy, an advanced technology known during the first era and then forgotten. It is the only artefact using this technology possessed by the Empire.   It seems to have no particular use, except for being shiny.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The orb emits a faint light continuously. Its exact implementation is unknown, but almost all scholars agree it works using circuitation of magical energy.   It is a known fact that magical energy can be used to power mechanical objects. A recent example of this is the complex Basooč, the military prototype golem, but many decades before that engineers and mages succeded in creating magical torches and other common, much easier to build objects. However, all of them require a mage to constantly consume energy to make it work.   The major limitation in recent advancements is the lack of a proper way to store and make the magical energy circuit autonomously. This technology is known as circuitation. From many unfunctional findings, most scholars agree the old empire had a very advanced and powerful form of circuitation, the luminescent orb being the most important.


Since the artefact does not seem to have a purpose, other than shine, many scholars think it must have been a common item in the old empire, maybe ornamental. However, this is the only such item found in the numerous archaeological sites within the empire. Somebody claims that, if these orbs were so common, more of them should have survived until nowadays.   In any case, there is only one of it now and it is the only item supposed to implement the circuitation of energy, so it is two times unique.   Considering the importance of the technology for the current advancement of the empire, access to the item is strictly regulated. It is forbidden to study it, to prevent possible damages to the working mechanism. It is located in the Arkadhian Institute of Technology, guarded by chosen soldiers and under the watchful eyes of the Shadow Court.
Item type
Owning Organization
Common (disputed)   Unique
0.5 kg
5 cm radius

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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