Icche Doghe

The Icche Doghe is the apex predator inhabiting all seas between the Cajenian archipelago, the Free Lands, Doujate, the elven forests and the desert (counterclockwise from the east). It is one of the few doujin leaving outside the Doujate.

Basic Information


The Icche Doghe is a sea dragon about five meters long. It has no limbs but possesses several fins to swim and stir. It can reach easily 50 km/h when chasing preys.   Their skull has a thick osseous plaque in the upper part which allows the dragon to hit an obstacle at high speed without serious damage.   They have several rows of teeth that they shed continuously in their life.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Being apex predators, icche doghi eat every other animal in the sea and are never seriously threatened, with the only exception of the sirenids organised defences.   They make their nest in the rocks at the bottom of the seas, usually near to rocky islands, and consider the region they can cover in half a day as their territory (a circle with a radius of about 20 kilometres).   Their hunt strategy consists in moving at the bottom of the sea, where they are more difficult to be spotted, and then just charge when they see a shoal of fish or another possible prey. Since they can outspeed almost every other animal in the inner sea (except for some smaller sharks) and destroy most obstacle exploiting their speed and hard skull, when prey is chosen usually is also eaten.   Humanoids aboard ships count as prey, but only if the dragon is starving: smaller ships do not pose threats, but larger ones are usually equipped to face them. For medium-sized ships, the icche doghe usually smash against the hull to destroy it and wait for them to sink; instead, it destroys smaller boats with the sheer force of its charge.   Its preys usually try to flee, especially if there are many of them (for instance in a shoal) or can outspeed it. Sharks and other predators often try to put up a fight; the largest among them can hope to inflict even lasting damages to the dragon, but will ultimately succumb to it.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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