
The Kels is a small non-predator native to the volcanic region in the northern Desolated Lands. It is one of the few living beings in the area.

Basic Information


The unnamed Agnisar who told me about the Xirtachi had a pet Kels that I was allowed to look at: all my knowledge on such an exotic creature comes from direct observation.   The Kels is a small mammal, usually around half a meter long. It resembles a large mouse, but has a leathery armor shell on its back and can roll up in a ball to defend itself. Apparently, it has the almost magical ability of incorporeting solidified magma into its shell, thus rendering it basically indestructible; it is apparent even in the speciman I studied, which was taken away from its habitat when it was young, because of the red strands in the armor.
— Nysian Creatures: the Far East, Sinle Liapue

Ecology and Habitats

The little critter is not at the top of the food chain. However, it is so meager a meal that only a desperately hungry animal would try to break the shell to eat a Kels: even this speciman, which is a well-nourished domestic pet, seem to have a surprisingly low amount of fat. It doesn't have natural weapons of any sort: its claws are small and dull, small teeth; in a fight, it would likely only rely on its shell and hopefully best an unwilling opponent. In any case, the region it inhabits is among the least inhabited of all Nys (including many areas of the Khata Shaghah), os it doesn't get many chances to fight probably, either as a prey or with competitors for resources.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Living in such a hostile territory as the volcanic region, the Kels eats just about anything small enough: buds, wood, insects, lizards, even dirt is not out of the question, since it contains useful minerals; it seems to appreaciate fruit of any kind, but, since fruit doesn't grow in the Desolated Lands, it can't be part of its natural diet: personally, I would not feed it to it, but its owner, who did it often, has reported no contraindications.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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