Desolated Lands

Westernmost region of Nys, the Desolated lands are an inhospitable wasteland, where plants don't grow and animals are mostly fierce predators. Only the Agnisar tribes obstinately live here.


Dust and dirt: that's all you can expect to found in the wildest Nysian landscape at its western edge, a vast rocky region where even the hills are as sharp and inhospitable as their inhabitants. It is separated from the lushful Sichine Nilne in the east by an insurmountable mountain chain, the Kogsh Cör, and ends with sheer cliffs overlooking the ocean in the west. The only practical way to access it is from the south by ship, given someone is bold enough to brave both the ocean waves and the climb up the cliffs; even so, one would have to abandon the ship and find a different way to come back. For only this reasons, but there are much more, no one is known to have visited the lands. Our few information come from the western Sichin tribes; were not for them, we might as well think that the Kogsh Cör were the end of the world. The Cosmos Wayfarers too say they have informations on its geography but not about its contents, since not even they have visited it; however, they refused to tell me how they knew what they claimed to.   Apparently, between ocean and mountains there is an irregular land made of valleys and hills, about ten marching days wide (so we might guess around 200 kilometers wide), supposedly shaped by rivers no longer seen. In fact, there are no surface rivers, making water an extremely scarse and valuable resource. The Wayfarers claim there is water in many of the underground caves present, but refused to elaborate any further; whatever the case, they are gelously guarded by ferocious animals or Agnisar tribes (which are also both ferocious and animals).
— Nysian Phisical Geography, Bafreul Jasque
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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