Lighthouse Lodestone

The lighthouse lodestone is a large, rotating stone embedded into the first floorboards of the Lighthouse Library. It is part of a still functioning compass, so lost travellers founding the lighthouse can use it to regain bearings.   Its age and construction process are unknown. Since it is part of the building and does not seem to be an addition, most researchers claim it dates back to the first era.   Currently, as it goes for several items inside the lighthouse, the lodestone is the only working compass supposedly built during the first era, and, as such, it has the power to disclose secrets from the long-lost past.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While nothing is known about the previous owners of the lighthouse, and presumably of all the other items contained within, Doujatar and Cajenian researchers conducted detailed studies on the artifact to extract as much information as possible.   They concluded someone restored the lodestone, likely during the second era, cleaning it from dust and dirt. After that, someone cast a magical seal to make the stone impervious to dust so that it would remain clean without much trouble. The seal since disappeared, leaving only a trace of its existence, probably when its energy source discharged. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find the source to study it or repair it.   Any attempt at bringing another catalyser into the lighthouse to restore the lodestone's seal has been unsuccessful as if the place itself was preventing it. For instance, the first time restoration was attempted, the researcher holding the stone tripped. The item slid from its hands, fell from the stairs and broke. A second time, the person with the new catalyser was descending from the ship at the pier when a wave made the small boat swing. The researcher lost their balance and fell into the water. In the commotion, the stone was lost. These events fuelled the belief that the lighthouse is somehow alive and doesn't want to be restored.   As for the lodestone itself, it does not seem to have any extraordinary mechanics. It is just a rotating magnetised stone, like the ones artisans build nowadays.
Item type
Navigational Aid / Instrument
Creation Date
Possibly during the first era.
Current Location
About two metres long and half metre wide in the center.

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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