The Lighthouse Library

Chi su chelti dilo inso, gofio chi cai cheltire liemme nasi.   I serve no purpose, so that I can serve them all.
The Library of the Lighthouse is a famous library, build inside the ruins of an ancient lighthouse in the southern Free Lands. It seems to have no owner.


The building is located on a lonely small island, essentially an isolated rock, and is fifty meters high.   It would have fifteen floors, but the last five are inaccessible since the stairs collapsed when it was abandoned and were never repaired. A part of the walls in the last floors also fell down into the sea, probably in the same event. Some scholars think it was during the great storm at the end of the second era, others point out that they have no clue to say anything; the former argue that a first era building resists to any minor and standard natural force, so it must have been a major catastrophe, which the great storm was. Whatever the truth, the remaining ten floors seem steady.   Like many other significative first era buildings, a thin layer of adamantium covers the concrete of the lighthouse, making it nearly indestructible (at least without considering the more recent cannons equipping the Cajenian and Imperial navy). It seems to have a magical barrier too.   Inside, it is furnished with wooden furniture. Of particular interest is a large rotating lodestone embedded into the first floor boards: it works and is now used by lost travellers to regain bearings.   Many jigsaw puzzles hang on every wall. Some of them represent unknown buildings and researchers study them to extract any possible information on the first era. This is possibly the most important source of knowledge about that time ever discovered.


Located on a lone island at the extreme south of the Free Lands, this building was once a lighthouse, built during the first era, probably to direct traffics with the Cajenian archipelago. It decayed when the Old Empire crumbled and the dark era of the Abyss began. It was then rediscovered at some point during the third era, somewhen between the fifth and the sixth century by an unknown person who repurposed it as a library.   However, there is no record of this person as if nobody had ever met them. We know of them because they engraved in stone at the entrance "I found this lighthouse in the year X62 and call it my home". The engraving is partially erased and was reconstructed, except for the first digit of the year, which is illegible.   Nobody owns the lighthouse. The last person who claimed it, an unnamed Cajenian pirate, died mysteriously a few months after in their bed. Despite having no keeper, the house is always clean and organised. Some say the ghost of the first owner still haunts this place, welcoming tired wanderer and cursing thieves and criminals.   Now travellers use the building as a temporary shelter, when waiting for a storm to pass, while scholars search books and knowledge in it. Recently, the bonfire on the inaccessible summit was lit, so traders can use it as an actual lighthouse.   After this fact, an engraving appeared in a stone near the entrance: "I serve no purpose, so that I can serve them all".
Founding Date
First Era

Articles under The Lighthouse Library

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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