Phiaro Ferryman

Phiaro ferrymen are sailors who bring provisions and people up and down the Phiaro river in the Shajīn Kingdom. Their traffics usually interests the low portion of the river (that is the northern part), where the most of the kingdom's large and rich cities lay, but they regularly visit every city on the all length of the river, even up to Wi'a Hus in the far south.



And if you have a knack for manning boats, you can enroll yourself as a ferryman. All you ought to do is looking for a merchant and inform them you're available: you tell them how much experience you have and how far you are willing to sail; they will take care of the rest if they need you, but even if they do not, they might have a friend or acquaintance who does. It is also a decent chance to learn the basics of haggling. If you like the idea of sailing but don't really want to meddle with commerce, you can register as a ferryman for public transportation at any public job office.
— Growing up in the Kingdom, pamphlet.

Career Progression

There is no clear progression in their carriers: all ferrymen enjoy the same benefits and similar salaries. One can see differences though, by looking at their destinations, with rookie ferrymen are only employed for very short routes, until they get the hang of the job; at some point they're deemed ready to face what they call the "long route", which is a round trip to Wi'a Hus. Every ferryman publicly employed by the Kingdom does it at least once in its life: a dreaded journey seen as a rite of passage by many of them, it marks their reaching of veterancy.
— Jobs of the Kingdom: a Comprehensive View, Siq Dhuntar

Payment & Reimbursement

Once you get to the outpost, greet the ferrymen and guardians that should be there (ālid means hello in their language), say you're a Wayfarer and ask them to bring you where you need to go. I can't ensure they will speak any language that's not Shajīn, but even if they don't, they know they drill and will take you down the river. Be kind to them: remember that they are likely facing the most boring and possibly dangerous journey of their life just so that you may get as quickly as possible to the Kingdom. Once the journey is done, it's up to you whether to offer them a token of gratitude.
— Accessing the Shajīn, Bheratal


Social Status

Your first priority should be making contacts and friends among the Phiaro ferrymen: since they sail the river and visit many cities each week, dozens per month, they always know which items sell where and what items do not anymore; they know rumours and information. They are much valuable allies for merchants, but remember that a few of them are merchants themselves and most work for local merchants: only a fool would trust them without a grain of salt!
— Shajīn Urban Geography: a Guide for the Cajenian Merchant, Brendiau Vil
Used By

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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