The Lost Temple

The lost temple (Vesi Tildin in native language) would be a majestic sanctuary built during the first era somewhere in the Sichine Nilne. The reasons for its construction and even its use as an actual temple are object of endless debates.  

Variations & Mutation

Each Nilne Sichin tribe knows the legend with different details, but there are several recurring elements.   The temple is usually said to be composed of three disconnected structures. In some variations their doors have engravings on them. The most common are animals, especially crows and a wolf and geometric patterns. According to others, on top of each door there is an inscription. What would be written is object of great dispute, with names of animals being common, followed by the words "past", "present" and "future".   The words variation acquired larger and larger recognition when two ancient keys were found in possession of two distant tribes, with the words "past" and "present" written respectively. The legend of the Missing Key to the Lost Temple became popular too.   Across all cultures, the temple is somehow related to either the birth of Nys or its end. Those people supporting the three keys myth often claim that founding the third key will start the end of the world. Others insist the end can only start when all the doors are opened at the same time and that the forest elves are depositary and guardian of the future of Nys.   Whatever the case, there is no consensus. The forests host so many tribes with radically different lores and folklore it would be impossible to conclude anything about the temple without actually finding it (by chance). The Moon Church funded several expeditions in the forests to study the elven cultures, paying particular attention to the lost temple legend, but to no avail. There are too many variations, all handed down orally, making it virtually impossible to identify and set aside the most recent ones.

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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