Wohe Szawje (vɔxɛ ʂavjɛ)

Wohe was the guards commander in Dźike when the Miners Rebellion happened. He guided the guards against Nadim Neśpal and the salt miners he used to supervise before the insurgence.   He quelled the rebellion, thanks to four bounty hunters that led Nadim into his trap, and recieved a decoration from the Salt Trading Company for his actions.   He died in mysteryous circumstances inside the mines in the year 1873.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wohe was born in the Szawje family, rich owners of some of the company's shares. He grew in the most ordinary dźikian environment. They taught him how miners were just tools for profit, that their life was worth nothing unless produced money, and that it was socially unacceptable to help them.   He enrolled in the Company's military division, to follow is martial vocation. He pursued the career with passion and ruthlessness, making his name respectable and fear among the population. Finally, its efforts, coadiuvated by his parents pressures, met a promotion, and he was reassigned to the mines as an officer.  

The Officer Years

He led the mines with the same iron fist he had used in the city. During is lead Nadim organised her and her friend's escape under his nose. He was not deemed responsible since no one would expect a girl from such a visible family to mutiny.   However, Wohe knew about what Nadim was about to do in advance since they were friends and she asked for his advice and help. He stated his disagreement and invited her to reconsider her decision since it would only get her the life of an outlaw. When she decided to follow through with her plan he let her do it, but adviced her to not come back if she cared for her life.   Her escape did not have significant consequences on his job, except the slaves needed to be put in their place more often.   When Nadim organised the Miners Rebellion Wohe communicated with the bounty hunters to prepare a trap in advance and led the guards in battle. He personally faced Nadim and reported her killed. However, the area where they were fighting caved in, so it was impossible to prove her death with her corpse.   In general, both ordinary people and the Company believed him. He seemed the kind of person that would kill a friend in favour of his carieer.


One day, after his duty, he did not came back. Guards went looking for him and found his corpse. He had put up a fight, but lost. In the area there were fresh tracks of another person, but they disappeared abruptly.   Overall, the circumstances of his death were unclear. He died fighting in a duel, likely not against a slaves since they were too weak and fatigued for one of them to overcome the officer. No one unauthorized was seen entering or exiting the mines from the main entrance. The Company investigated for a while, but then decided it was not worthy it to spend so much money to solve the case, and it remained shrouded in mystery.
1829 TE 1873 TE 44 years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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