Ait Crunnithe
Ait Crunnithe, known as the Meeting Place, is a semi-permanent camp on the banks of the Living River that serves as a year-round trading post and stop-over for travellers. It is held sacred by the druids and respected by all the Celtic peoples, so that bloodshed is forbidden within sight of the stone circle that dominates the center of the group of tents and lodges on the bluffs overlooking the river. As a defacto neutral territory for all the Celtic Clans, it is often the place where warring clans will meet to negotiate a peace.
Every fall, a mass gathering takes place as druids from The Stone Temple, the Mud Temple, and the Heart of the Gods meet at the Stone Circle to commemorate the end of the year, and the death of the land. The gathering lasts several weeks as travellers converge on the stone circle to trade, swap news, marry off women, and pay their respects to the Celtic gods. The gathering culminates on the winter solstice with the druids leading the ceremony of Ambais, sacrficing crops, livestock, and even people so that the land may be reborn.