Handelmote is the annual meeting of the horsemen of the Hesterherre on the shores of the Handelvann. There is a semi-permanent camp that exists on the western shore of the great inland lake, but belongs to no tribe. Once a year, just after the horse calving, the traders and leaders of each tribe meet at the Handelmote for a month long bazaar that combines live stock auction, beer fest, mass marriages, and treaty making. It begins on the second full moon of Nattlys after the start of spring, and lasts for two full cycles of the white moon. During this time, the tribes refrain from warring with one another and take it as an afront to the jotun Skadi if anyone should draw a weapon in anger within the confines of the encampment. In the last week of the month-long celebration, sacrifices are gathered to be carried by chosen priests into the Hellghoyde as gifts for Skadi and her kin.