Ma'Qead Sith
Ma'Qead Sith is the capital city of the Tashibar nation. Founded by the cultists of Set, the city is said to have been raised from the surrounding sands by the Egyptian god himself as a way to provide for his displaced followers. The city is not a typical population center, but more of a seat of government, as it is primarily occupied by the Set cultists and their slaves. The city rises from the sea on the nothern reaches of the Weathered Coast, its immense stone walls blending seamlessly with the natural cliffs overlooking the ocean. The city's outer wall is rectangular and protects the few residences and private businesses that exist in the city. The Inner Wall is also made of stone and surrounds the pyramid shaped temple of Set at the very center of the city. The enormous pyramid can be seen for miles around and houses the highest ranking cult members and their personal slaves. Its outer walls are jet black and reflect the desert sun like glass. Below the pyramid are the burial chambers of deacesed cult members, some of whom cling to this world through the powers of their deity and continue to contribute to the cult's spreading influence.