Unveiling Light

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  Unveiling Light is a ritual help by members of the Radiant Spire and Radiant Temples. This ritual is a blessing of light which fills the receipient and drives away any darkness within them. The light maidens of the Radiant Order are able to build up Radiance within themselves, and then use that Radiance to flood the body of another person.   The ritual of Unveiling Light is prominantly used in two ways. The first is as a blessing placed upon a beleiver. The flood of Radiance gives off awarmth and light while washing away any external inbflunces on the recipient. This is seen as a great blessing within the order, and ios often seen in promotions or commendations within the Radiant order, and other branch temples.   The second use is far more sinister. Under the guise of clensing darkness, the rutiual can be used offensively to damage the soul of anyone who is not purely human. The flood of Radiance is strong enough to fully destroy any weak connection to Oas, and deeply damage strong connections.  


The ritual of the Unveiling Light was first developed after a major gethering between the six temples of the Children of Radiance and citizens of Chronwhorl who had begun to question if elemntal abilities or magic were truly evil as everyone had been told all their lives. The purpose told to the public was to foster discussion between the temples and the people. Duing the gathering, the Eye of Expansion expended vast amounts of energy to fully manifest within the space and flood everyone in attendance with so much Radiance that it burned away ever y trace of Oas. This resulted in full destruction of some souls and extreme damage in many others. Poeple were twisted and burned into grotesc remnants of themselves, known later as the Exposed.   This violent physical raction to the destruction of Oas made it very clear who had any elemental affinity, and reinforced the conception of how evil that connection to the world was. While the ritual of Unveiling Light is much weaker than that first flood, it can have silimar results. The ritual quickly became a way to fush out evil and bless those who are pure by the stnadards of the Holy Order.

Cover image: by Kydra_Hunter using MidjourneyAI


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Aug 20, 2024 04:36 by Deleyna Marr

I can see this ritual as being very sinister and having a lot of pressure on attending.
