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Locathah are resilient and proud fish-folk that have endured war, slavery, and mistreatment at the hands of other aquatic creatures. They dwell in shallow water tribal communities along seacoasts, and hunt both above and below the water.


The locathah have been dealt a bad hand in terms of their racial history, having been enslaved by nearly every race of the sea, especially by the Kuo-toa and Ixitxachitl. Although there are still some locathah slaves dotted around the deeper oceans, most are now free and living in more shallow waters as nomads. The reason for their enslavement, in their minds, was that their enemies took advantage of periods when the locathah were at odds with their allies or each other and thus, fragmented. As such, they now live in tight-knit communities and, if others prove to be their allies, the locathah will prove firm in their allegiance, trying everything in their power to keep such alliances together. Despite said history of slavery, even when treated with the utmost cruelty, they do not harbor angry or vengeful feelings towards their former captors, though they will do anything within their power short of threatening harm to their fellows to escape if enslaved by someone else. They don't believe that is shameful to be enslaved, but it is to do nothing about the situation.   It is easy to unintentionally offend a locathah as they have many unwritten rules of etiquette. If approached by a creature wielding a weapon, a locathah will always either flee or engage in combat. They do not like to be touched by other species, interactions with others are always done at a distance. They commonly lead creatures unfamiliar with their territory by their wake-currents.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Locathah have fine scales covering their bodies that range from olive green to ochre in color although their stomach scales instead range from sea green to pale yellow. They have fish-like heads with large eyes, either all-black or all-white (which is viewed as a good omen), toothless mouths, and small fins where ears would normally be. Instead of hair, they have a dorsal fin and flukes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are hunter-gatherers by nature, which has led many to believe them no more than simple barbarians. The locathah simply pay those with this attitude no heed.
  Most locathah live in communal tribes. Those of 100 members or less are usually simple hunting parties, dominated by males, but in larger tribes, they prefer a matriarchal chieftain. The chieftain lays a multitude of eggs that are cared for by the rest of the tribe. Kelp farms and hunting territory are defended zealously and religious ceremonies to their creator-god Eadro are kept totally private, but otherwise, locathah are welcoming of strangers. Only males were allowed in the clergy. They used prayer as a form of redemption from the punishment they believed was bestowed upon their race for improper worship, pointing to the frequent enslavement of the locathah by others and their scaly bodies as opposed to the merfolk's smoother ones. They aimed to use their prayer to be redeemed and transformed into merfolk.
Average Height
4 ft
Average Weight
120 lbs

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