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Archangel Corps

The Archangel Corps is a specialized military unit that specializes in air combat. Its members are known distinctively for the wingsuit used by its soldiers to fly and lay down air support as well as resonance. Other less common members are known to go through extensive genetic modification to grow wings from their backs with the aid of advanced technology to aid them in the process. They serve as the primary air support in open warfare by land or sea alike equipped with some of the best equipment that the Protectorate can provide. There are two divisions that make up the Archangel Corps, the first is the Aquilon Division while the second is known as the Skeiron Division.



The most important piece of equipment in the Archangel Corps is the wingsuit. A powerful suit of armor equipped with energy wings that allow a soldier to fly at high speeds. These wings at the same time can serve as shields as well as weapons as well to fire multiple streams of energy at either multiple targets or one single opponent. Even at high speeds a single archangel can fly at nearly 200 miles per hour and come to a stop without difficulty. The suit also comes equipped with light shields that can stave off heavy attacks for a short time only giving the wearer a chance to escape. The suit like all technology runs on ornikyte used in a xerium power cell that must eventually be recharged.


Most members are armed with weapons for long-distance and closer-range combat alike. Pistols and even automatic carbines are the first weapons that a soldier in the archangel corps is trained to use. For close quarters many carry a pulse sword or vibroblade used to fight anything from enemy troops to dangerous wildlife should the need be and are typically used as a last resort.


The Archangel Corps play a huge role in the Protectorate military acting as specialized air support where aircraft cannot enter. At the same time, they act as scouts going on reconnaissance missions to study enemy positions, surveying troop movements, and making hit-and-run attacks on supply lines. In more extreme cases, they act as air support to ground troops by laying down covering fire for a retreat, dropping bombs on heavy artillery or fortifications, and even taking key positions as well.


All members of the Archangel Corps go through the same basic training that the guardians do and then move on to training for aerial combat. They start by learning about every part of the wingsuit, its functions, maintenance, and most of the repairs as well. Only after they learn everything they need to know about their suit do they begin to learn to pilot and move on toward learning aerial maneuvers that are necessary for combat. This part of the training process is learned over the course of thirteen weeks before completion.



Another well-known faction of the Archangel Corps comes from the Protectorate's scientists known famously as the Skeiron division. Individuals who have gone through extensive genetic modification are permanently granted wings in order to achieve flight.
Only a select few, nearly one out of a hundred are qualified for this procedure and capable of surviving in order to join this division. Though not capable of the same incredibly powerful attacks as the wingsuit worn by the unaltered members of the corps they can fly without the need of recharging the suit's xerium power cells. Another advantage possessed by those within the Skeiron division is that they can fly in areas without the worry of any tech designed for jamming any kind of magitek such as the energy wings used by the typical members of the corps. The only real disadvantage that members of Skeiron face is that their wings if heavily damaged cannot be replaced as easily and must go through the same procedure all over again to regain their lost limbs.


Half the members of the Archangel Corps actually come from the Guardian branch while the other half join up with them directly. While many believe that most recruits come from those born in the Protectorate many in fact are even immigrants from the Outlands. This leads to many members actually being of mixed descent and coming from a wide variety of different races and creeds alike. Some in fact even turn out to be hybrids of human and eldorai and many other different species as well.
Air Force
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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