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The Protectorate

The Protectorate, otherwise known to outlanders as the Twelve Cities of Men is homed to a vast majority of the humans on Oarus. In beginning, the human race was originally known as the Arun and was incredibly adept at controlling their own bodies. They could mildly shapeshift, changing their eye color, skin tone, and hair color with a thought. At the same time, they could shut down their ability to feel pain, and recall all memories from a young age. Thus making them formidable and unique amongst most races. Unfortunately, humans lost their abilities to do these things and became the humans of the modern day.   Unlike most civilizations, the Protectorate relies on its knowledge and technology instead of magic. Always looking at everything with a purely logical view even magic as well as calling it "psionics" as a reference to it relying on the power of the mind. Instead of labeling people with monikers such as spellcaster, mage, sorcerer, or wizard, they have taken to calling them omnipaths and ranking them as clairvoyants, adepts, and psions.   Because of this, it has led many of the Outland regions to see humans (at least those from the Protectorate) as strange rather than scientists. Greedy profiteers and madmen obsessed with knowledge and unlocking the secrets of the universe. To make matters worse, they are overly cautious and paranoid about who they share their technology with. Only a handful of other kingdoms have been granted access to their knowledge and technology.   Typically the Protectorate and its citizens rarely interfere in any matters with the Outlands. They have kept tightly to their own borders and usually only take action against the Empire. Only to deny them territory or power to later fight them. Every few years the Protectorate fights a war against the Empire and is barely able to fight them off only because of the aid of their omnipaths as their age-old nemesis does not have magic users of any kind.


Ruled by the Grand Order Council, an organized group made up of the various leading nobles of each of the Twelve Cities. The Protectorate as whole acts together in any and all major affairs that affect the human race. Despite all appearances, the council is not completely united in a single purpose whatsoever as occasional battles and skirmishes have broken out. Only because of a mutual threat in the Azmodian Empire has the Protectorate stayed united in order to fight them. Using what remains of their technology from ancient times they have managed to resist.


The Protectorate military is made up of five major branches known as the Guardian Corps, Omnipath Corps, and Ranger Corps along with the Archangel Corps and Templar Order. Each branch's members utilize unique types of armor that can shield the wearer and offer various enhancements to make them more effective combatants as well as help them survive in extreme heat and cold for a time. All branches work together as a whole in times of war using their various specialized skills to fight in almost any situation, where one fails the other will not.   The Guardian Force is the backbone of the Protectorate military, specialized and trained to fight against enemy soldiers with the "battlesuit" which is standard equipment for any typical soldier. All suits can be equipped with various types of attachments for attack or defense, from blades to small firearms, and even constructs to act as support in battle. Members are taught to fight with both firearms and melee weapons such as swords and shields for close combat.   The Omnipath Corps is a specialized branch made of "omnipaths" who are powerful psionically enhanced individuals with the power to manipulate the energy around them to fight and devastate the enemy with a wide variety of abilities. Each member is equipped with the "power suit" which is meant to help focus and enhance the wearer's powers to their max potential. They are used to fight against specially powered enemies and act as support against heavy firepower and larger numbers. Members are equipped to fight with gauntlets and headsets that can increase their powers even further while using staffs and rods for close combat which can also enhance their abilities at the same time.   The Ranger Corps specializes in stealth warfare with members using what is called the "stealth suit" which is capable of making the wearer invisible to the naked eye. They are tasked with scouting, exploration, and sabotage along with the assassination of key targets. Members are taught to fight using both projectile and melee weapons like the Guardian Corps but also use other weapons such as knives, spears, and even bows and arrows as well for stealth missions.   The Archangel Corps serves as air support with members using what is called the "wingsuit" which is similar to the battle suit used by the Guardian Corps but is equipped with a pair of energy wings attached to the back allowing the wearer to fly. The wings can also be used as weapons to strike enemies and send blasts of energy straight at the opponent as well. Members are equipped to fight with the same weapons as common soldiers as well as long-range weapons and explosives.   The Templar Order is a group specifically trained to fight against enemy omnipaths or spellcasters who utilize the powers of the void. Using specially designed gear to combat and defend against void energies with members from all other members of the different branches. Only on rare occasions does the Templar become involved with fighting in traditional warfare but will do so if necessary in times of war.

Technological Level

Since their first appearance, humanity has always possessed technology of incredible power unfortunately they have lost so much of the scientific knowledge that gave them so much. Using what scientific knowledge they have left, they have managed to create vehicles for air travel such as the skyship, an enormous aircraft resembling a sailing ship on the sea but capable of flight for exploration and transportation. Other more advanced sky ships are used for warfare while smaller aircraft such as the avicopter which resembles the shape of a bird with wings that beat at high speeds to fly are used for transportation and even warfare.   The gear used by the Protectorate for warfare is also very advanced, having found ways to use powerful materials such as crystals and other fuel sources found across Oarus as not just fuel but to enhance their technology as well. One of the most used types of weapons technology is for things such as augmenting physiology, prosthetics, and even implants. Another commonly used piece of equipment is suits of armor, each one used by different kinds of soldiers of the Protectorate with different gear and weapons used by separate branches for different purposes.   Firearms are also used by the Protectorate military, which can shoot anything from bullets to rays of light that can cut through steel. Despite what many may think firearms are not the only weapons used by the Protectorate, due to difficulties with a consistent supply of ammunition most of the time firearms run out very quickly. Because of this many soldiers and rangers are required to be trained to use swords, knives, and even bows and arrows as well. Yet even these weapons have evolved turning into vibroblades and even pulse swords.   One of the greatest losses for humanity was their deprivation of medical science. In the beginning, the Protectorate once possessed knowledge of how to increase their lifespan and live for hundreds of years if not almost close to a thousand. Now, most humans are lucky to live up to three hundred at best with what they currently have now. However, despite all of this the Protectorate is capable of creating serums to enhance the physiology of humans to be stronger than normal.


The dominant religion in the Protectorate is the Pillars of Anuhim, known as "the Pillars" for short, which came from long before the Dark War when humans were known as the Arun. It is a monotheistic belief in one single god who is the supreme creator of all things in existence and who also battles alongside his servants against malevolent entities known as the Horrors of the Void. In the Pillars, it is said that Anuhim watches over all of creation with the aid of his divine servants known as the Transcendents. There are nine Transcendents known as Reöllir, Emeonde, Thamónd, Uomdoth, Leöros, Ceörumó, Ulémë, Lienem, Óphire, and Aleamë. Each of the Transcendents is a sworn protector and patron of various groups and types of people like soldiers, politicians, philosophers, hunters, artists, builders, and doctors alike. Despite the importance of the Transcendents they are not seen as or worshipped as gods themselves but rather as divine spirits that carry out the creators' will whatever it may be.   Protectorate citizens go to stone temples, many of which are guarded by devout warriors known as the Templar Order who protect ancient artifacts from the Dark War. The Templar are seen as holy warriors of the ancient times from when before humans learned how to travel to different worlds. Because of this they have high authority in military and political matters and are led by two leading officials. The religious leader of the faith is known as the Prophet, an individual gifted with powers of foresight and can see major events before they happen who is reincarnated in every generation. The military leader is known as the Warden, a powerful individual that is reincarnated in every generation as well. Both are fervently sought out and brought to the High Temple in the city of Zion to be trained and taught how to control their powers. The purpose of the Templar is ultimately to act as a safeguard against omnipaths who use forbidden powers that tap into the void as it is dangerous and unstable. If an omnipath uses forbidden powers and goes rogue the templar is sent out to handle the situation by whatever means are necessary. Although these incidents are rare and only happen two or three times a year, each time they do more often than not lives are typically lost in droves making them and their mission incredibly necessary as they are the only ones equipped to fight against a void enhanced omnipath.   Worship of the Horrors of the Void is considered taboo and forbidden in the Protectorate and is punishable by imprisonment that can be for life or even execution should one utilize any powers of the void.

Foreign Relations

Of all of the allies of the Protectorate, none have been better than the khazaugrim whom they have had trade and support from since the Dark War. Dwarves and humans have always had common ground thanks to having very similar views on progress, advancements in technology, and military matters alike. This has led to their cooperation in their defense against various mutual enemies such as the Azmodian Empire, Khemet, and other various factions such as the Emerthain. Over the years they have maintained a steady trade knowledge on creating armor, weapons, medicine, and even other monetary goods.   The most difficult alliance for the Protectorate to still maintain is with the Eldorai, their relations with the fae have been fickle at best. There has always been distrust between humans and elves alike for one reason or another whether it be from a difference of view on politics, religious beliefs, training in magic, and even philosophy. However, the one thing that both races can agree on is matters of war with the Empire and the Emerthain renegades. Because of this the Protectorate and the Homelands have been forced to work together in order to fight their sworn enemies who seek to conquer and enslave them both.   In the end, the Protectorate has always kept a tight watch on the borders of their outer cities due to attacks from rogue mercenary bands from the Outlands and monstrous creatures that attempt to sneak past their borders to hunt. Only a handful of Outland cities are actually allied with the Protectorate, some of which in fact rely on them for protection from the Empire. Meanwhile, others have disassociated with them entirely and dislike their laws and values alike choosing to live according to their own laws.

Stand Together

Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
Numbers, Sky People, Off-worlder
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species


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