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The dwarves or the Khazaugrim as they call themselves, are the "second race" to appear on Oarus. They are known to have an extreme physical durability, stocky build, endurance, and strength allowing them to match even the magically enhanced Eldorai in a fight of strength. Their most notable feature is the grey or blueish skin tone that almost mirrors stone. Naturally their lifespans are incredibly long allowing them to live for hundreds of years. In that time, the Khazaugrim have learned much in the art of metallurgy and most of all firearms. With these weapons are their side they have fought off vast armies of greater numbers and built some of the most heavily fortified cities.

Basic Information


The Khazaugrim as they call themselves, are relatively short, with the tallest growing no more than just a few inches over 5 feet tall.  In fact the tallest man in their entire history was no more than 5 foot 4 inches. Despite this, they possess an extreme amount of durability, endurance, and most of all strength. With strong thick arms, broad shoulders, and powerful legs male Khazaug are strong enough to match even the Eldorai and even more so the Kromori in physical combat. Female Khazaug have a similar strength and physique but they are more feminine and curvaceous compared to their male counterparts.

Growth Rate & Stages

As infants, Khazaug grow like normal human beings until they reach puberty and from their on begin to age very slowly. For Khazaug they don't reach physical maturity until they reach their sixties but look no more than a human in their early twenties. Most among them live up to a thousand years old.

Ecology and Habitats

The Khazaugrim dwell in mountains deep, where they built grand stone cities and roadways that lead across the continent of Cryos. Massive stone gates that measure 200 feet high guard the entrance to their capital city of Bold Hammer, a gigantic cavern large enough for their grand fortresses, workshops, towns, and forges altogether. They are known for having a fondness for moderate climates though they are more than adapted to the cold winters of Cryos and Azeros. The mountains offer more than enough shelter from the cold and the molten fires grant them the heat they need in forging their tools, armor, weapons, and machines.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Skin color varies a grey or blueish stone like color. Males usually have beards braided into various styles. Females braid their hair in similar styles to the men.

Average Intelligence

The Khazaugrim are a highly inventive race with a mastery over metallurgy and the manufacturing of firearms and machinery.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Khazaugrim have very strong names. For the men they have names such as: Coldallin, Randor, Voldar, Falstaff, and Grimwald. For the women they have names like: Dagna, Brun, Dreska, Erma, and Lotta. All of the dwarves take on the names of colors, gems, metals, stones, and other materials as a part of their last name such as Silvervein, Ironeye, Blacksteel, and Stoneheart.

Major Organizations

The Forge Masters, who are responsible for the creation of tools, weapons, firearms, and other metal works. The Beast Slayers, the strongest warriors tasked with the insuring the people's safety from the most ferocious beasts in the mountain's depths. The Keepers Guild, tasked with recording their people's history and major events.

Beauty Ideals

The Khazaug have an eye for beauty, especially with things such as gold, silver, rare gems, and other valuable minerals that lay across the land. Even more so for those precious stones and treasure that carry magic within them, as they were the first to discover the elemental stones that carried the power of the elements inside them. Their attention to detail in all of their works is a testament to their care and craftmanship as they insure everything is in order whether it is a weapon, a tool, a decoration, or a gift they make sure it is made the way it should be. This has lead some to the belief that the Khazaugrim are perfectionists when it comes to their craft. The Khazaug also have a great admiration to another Khazaug, even a human, Eldorai, and other such humanoid features. Yet they are also still known to take notice to a person's wealth. Among many of the races, few are as dedicated, driven, and stubborn to protect their friends and family with all their strength and spirit.

Courtship Ideals

Amongst the Khazaugrim, they are known for going all the way with their gifts and tokens when it comes to affection or love. For the nobility, the gifts tend to be the most extravagant and expensive. These gifts can being anything from beautiful treasures and gems.

Relationship Ideals

The Khazaugrim marry and divorce no different than humans and other races, but when they set their hearts on another individual they never turn away. On occasion, it is not strange for one to have a mistress or a concubine. In the end the Khazaugrim let their passions drive them to its greatest extent.

Average Technological Level

The Khazaugrim are known for thier skills at metallurgy, forging, and carving. Their greatest achievement recently being firearms and the use of gunpowder. Within their underground mountain cities are countless forges and ranges where they fire off cannons, guns, and other such firearms. Once tested, they are dealt out to the soldiers in their armies. Before their invention of firearms their greatest achievement was the famed "Grand Steel" used in their armor and weapons. It is a rare alloy that is found only the depths of their underground mountain cities in Cryos, over years through trial and error the dwarves finally learned the proper technique and skills to properly forge and shape it. A grand steel blade is capable of piercing through the hide of the most terrifying beasts and thickest armors with ease especially when forged into bullets.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Tongue, Stone Speak,

Common Etiquette Rules

Amongst the Khazaugrim it is expected to greet them with a strong handshake and a clear sounding greeting. Failing to do so is considered rude or pathetic to them. Afterwards, a guest is expected to feast with his host and tell stories of their time and journey. During many feasts, the Khazaug like to have drinks, usually ale or beer, and expect the guest to have at least one drink with them. When hosting a Khazaug it is still expected to greet them with a strong handshake and a clear sounding greeting. They prefer to have dinner and share stories like when they host a visitor in their own dwelling. It is common courtesy amongst them for their host to show them around their home as well.

Common Dress Code

Amongst the Khazaugrim, it is easy to tell what job is theirs due to their uniform. For forgers and smiths they wear thick heavy garbs and gloves.  For warriors they wear a basic chainmail vest, each with various designs depending on their unit type.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

For the Khazaug it is a sacred and honored tradition to bury their kings and queens in the Hall of Kings, there each king and queen are entombed in a diamond sarcophagus of strange magic that forever preserves the body. Though rare it is said that this custom is allowed for others, great heroes are made the exception and buried in the Hall of Heroes. Only the noblest and greatest amongst the dwarves are given permission to enter the hall, and outsiders are strictly forbidden and executed if caught trespassing.

Common Taboos

For the Kazaugrim it is expressly forbidden that one ever break their word. Once done that Khazaug must work hard earn that trust back, if they don't they are not trusted and not counted on for help or to protect their friend's back. Above all else it is forbidden for a man to sleep with another's wife, though not official it is practically treated as a crime and in past had resulted in the death of the man who did so.


It is said that the Khazaugrim where created in the Dawning Age as the second race. They were given great strength and heart by the Ethereal, Brohdir. Amongst all the races at the time, the Khazaug were first to unravel the mystery of steel and create armor and weapons. Learning how steel was created they began digging beneath the earth, searching for ore and iron. As expected they found much of both and more, discovering gold, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds streaming beneath the mountains like rivers. Mount Azeros was where the first great city was built, underground roadways and trade routes where built, all of them leading back to Azeros from where weapons, gold and other treasure flowed endlessly. It was a time of great prosperity and wonder, the Khazaug had established themselves as master craftsman, but it was the end there. After many years digging and mining they made an incredible discovery, explosive powder. At first the Khazaug were confused and didn't know what to make of the strange black substance. It was not treasure or anything of that sort and thought to simply ignore it until a fateful accident. No one knows how the Khazaugrim learned about it, perhaps it was an experiment of maybe it truly was just a mere accident, regardless they learned of the powder's explosive potential. From there, their curiosity was increased tenfold. They began studying the powder and created firearms, anything ranging from guns and cannons allowing them to fight off armies of the immense size and power with an invention that made numbers useless. Since then the Khazaug have ruled from their mountain cities and kingdoms, still mining and digging. Most of all creating new tools and deadlier weapons that make their first guns look like toys. Any and all who would challenge the dwarves does so at their own peril, even so none have ever gotten past the walls of their city gates.

Historical Figures

Vrokk, The Blacksmith of the Heavens is said to have been the greatest forger that the world had ever seen. He was the first of the Astral Smiths, known for carrying the sacred hammer Ghalor to create weapons forged from the stars that could not be broken by any earthly creature. His little brother Eidrik, the Marker is said to have imbued the weapons his brother forged with the great magical powers that enabled them to wield the might of gods and destroy armies in a single sweep. Eidrik was master and creator of the Grandforge, any weapon crafted on its anvil was flooded with the power to destroy legions with just one swing.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that Khazaugrim were created from stone, shaped by the Ethereal, Brohdir, and made to safeguard the treasure of the earth. The greatest of them are said to be Vrokk and Eidrik, who were the first to craft the great marvels of the colossal city Khadrastahl beneath the mountains with Ghalor, the sacred hammer, and the Grandforge where the Astral Arms were created. Since the Dawning Age the Grandforge has been sealed within the bowels of Mount Azeros, silent, no longer does the mountain burn and shake with roaring fires and mighty thunderbolts over its head.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Khazaugrim have little to absolutely no care about the mixing with other races. In rare situations have the Khazaug ever turned down a woman of any race such as men, eldorai, imperial, azgyr, and otherwise. Should the race be more beast than anything else it is seen as a disgrace and disgusting.
The Khazaugrim began as a nomadic tribe until they settled, creating vast cities beneath the mountains of Azeros.
1,000 years
Average Height
3ft 10in - 4ft 10in
Average Physique
Muscular and Thick.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most of the Khazaugrim have a stone like skin tone, ranging from grey, blue or black even. Many have hair that is black, brown, or gold even. On occasion those who have human parents from various kingdoms have light brown or dark brown skin.
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