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The Order of the Ancients

The Order of the Ancients, also known as the Order of the Tirn is an organization made up of the world's most powerful spellcasters. It is this organization that together decides the rules and laws that govern all spellcasters and how magic should be used. Since the beginning, the Tirn have always existed enforcing the laws of magic and ensuring that it is never misused. At the same time, their mission is to train modern-day casters to control their powers and use them to help others and the world. Mainly located in the Outlands, there are five schools each ruled by master spellcasters who specialize in different forms of magic. Another task they take upon themselves is to create and study new magics while protecting the world from magical threats.   All members are dedicated to studying ancient magics and creating new spells to better aid the world while ensuring that the powers of the universe aren't misused in any way that threatens all. When magical threats appear, the council has always taken lead to ensure that the threat is dealt with. The council's political power extends far and wide, mostly within the Twelve Kingdoms and the Kingdom of Itheria, and several other small kingdoms within the Outlands. Many of those in the highest positions in service to the Council act as advisors to kings, queens, generals, and nobles all around the world on how to best handle magical threats. Threats such as rogue casters, dark sorcerers, or even powerful lost relics have always warranted aid from the council. During times of war, members of the council have served in military positions from soldiers to generals on the front lines. Since the beginning, casters have fought beside their fellow countrymen with just as much courage as any warrior no matter the conflict. Some have even taken the liberty to create weapons enhanced by magic in order to give certain warriors an advantage over their enemies.


The Order of the Ancients is led by the Council of Masters, a select group of archcasters with immense power, wisdom, and knowledge not common to the everyday spellcaster. It is they who decide the laws and regulations that all spellcasters must abide by and are responsible for dealing with any renegades who break these rules by practicing forbidden magics or dark arts. Each member is carefully chosen from among the order's ranks after having received decades of training and experience with teaching other spellcasters. It is only after these requirements are met that a caster can be made an archcaster and then selected to join the council.


Since the beginning of its creation, the Order has always had access to vast resources thanks to the Eldorai who have given them whatever funding, information, and magical artifacts at their disposal. When they opened their doors to members of other kingdoms and nations they gained numerous favors and additional resources to aid them. This gave the Order practically all that they could ever need as far as supplies, gear, ships, horses, shelter, and magical items for them to train more and more spellcasters to join their ranks. Nearly everyone in all of the Outlands recognizes the mark of the Order of the Ancients and knows to grant them respect or give them a wide berth.    Despite their resources, the Order lacks a great deal in modern conveniences such as magitek and the very science behind it as well. This also puts them in some ways at a disadvantage with medicine and various other major fields of science. Yet the greatest disadvantage they have is their lack of almost any kind of advanced technology found in other powerful nations such as the Protectorate or the Vulcast Empire.


The Order of the Ancients was created by the eldorai when magic was discovered in the Dawning Age. They began by training its members how to harness the power of magic in all its forms, recorded all of their knowledge, and studied it in the hopes of learning how to better use it. At first, all of their members were eldorai until they came across humans and many other races and then offered them training. The Order later expanded across the world, mainly the Outlands, teaching anyone who was born with the gift of magic while at the same time still studying it and learning new powers and spells alike.   After many years the the Order expanded its reach into the Outlands building massive Sanctums where magic could be studied and spellcasters trained. Each Sanctum specialized in training its members in different fields of magic and was charged with keeping dangerous forbidden arts a secret. After that, the Order later began to send spellcasters to act as advisors for nobles, lords, and world leaders in matters of magic and the nature of other worlds. Eventually, it became common to find a spellcaster serving as a personal advisor in every major city along with an entire circle of magic users to assist them in more dangerous matters. The Order provided aid to all kingdoms and nations from the highest noble to the lowest peasant whether it be in times of war, famine, or other catastrophic events that posed a great threat such as the Dark War.   To this day the Order has remained steadfast in its mission of training spellcasters and studying magic in order to protect all the people of Oarus. However, they have suffered a great deal of loss in their battle against renegade spellcasters known as the Emerthain Brotherhood known as the War of Magic. Since then they have dealt with not just the casualties of this conflict but also the backlash from the common people who have now come to fear magic and all of those who use it. Because of this the Order has now lost much of its former influence and is even forbidden to enter certain outland kingdoms and cities. Despite this, they continue to fight against the Emerthain and any who would threaten the people of Oarus using all of their power and magical knowledge at their disposal.

Technological Level

The Order's greatest strength has always been its access to ancient skills, knowledge, and even magic that has been passed down through the ages. At the same time, they have also safeguarded ancient magical artifacts and other powerful items. This unfortunately leaves them lacking in major scientific fields such as medicine and machinery. They have never had access to modern conveniences and advanced technology such as magitek that is found in places like the Protectorate or the Empire nor have they truly wanted it either for that matter.


The Order of the Ancients has always specialized in training its members and students in the old ways of magic not common in the Protectorate. With numerous schools of magic known as Sanctums that have been built across all of the Outlands, they have amassed a wealth of ancient wisdom and knowledge on the mystic arts. Students study and train for years in magic while also learning other skills in mathematics, chemistry, philosophy, medicine, and crafting. Many members only receive the necessary training to control their powers and only after having accessed their level of power. Though technically any student or member can learn about any additional information they wish there are certain secrets that are only allowed to the highest members of the order such as the masters.

All Power Comes with a Price

Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Order, The Tirn, The Magus Order, The Order of the Ancients
Order Mage
Neighboring Nations
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