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Svea Lissidel

Lady Svea Lissidel

Svea is a young, incredibly powerful, eldorai sorceress who is considered a skilled prodigy. Born as the daughter of a well-known eldorai senator who is half human and a pure eldorai mother is one of the few immortals who has studied magic in Homelands and the Protectorate. Despite being part human Svea has the appearance of a pureblood like her mother making it easy for her to blend in with other immortals. Being gifted with a unique form of magic Svea is regarded as both a mystery and wonder by her instructors who seek to learn the full extent of her abilities as well as help her control them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Svea has a lean figure, she is athletic, flexible, and incredibly agile despite what most think of her at first glance. She is capable of running and jumping off walls as well as scaling up cliffsides, collapsed buildings, and trees very well.

Body Features

Due to being Eldorai, Svea's body has a series of bioluminescent markings that look similar to stripes, and freckles are all over her body and are only visible at night. Like others of her kind, Svea's markings are similar to her mother's own markings hinting to those who can see them that they are related.

Facial Features

Svea has dark grey eyes, with a pattern of bioluminescent markings that can only be seen at night and are invisible to the naked eye during the day.

Identifying Characteristics

Svea's luminescent markings follow a specific pattern that resembles both of her parent's markings fused together and giving off a bright purple glow.

Physical quirks

Tends to pull and tug at the choker necklace around her neck when nervous. Likes to tap her foot when excited about something. Knocks the side of her head with her hand when she realizes something.

Special abilities

Heightened senses. Better physical balance. Has an unknown form of magic that lets her control energy. Is immortal and has eternal youth.

Apparel & Accessories

Always wears a silver choker necklace with a star-shaped gem in its center. Usually wears spellcaster robes that are purple with black and white markings. Wears a variety of attire from both the Protectorate and Homeland alike. Loves to wear purple.

Specialized Equipment

Carries a variety of magical items used by both traditional spellcasters and omnipaths alike. Uses a magitek staff made of metal and a spellcaster's staff that is made of wood. Occasionally wears a black and white omnipath power suit with grey design and matching trenchcoat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Svea was born in Itheria, a beautiful land fertile with magic that was home to a race of immortals the Eldorai. As an Eldorai herself she lived a life not too different from most other immortals. Unlike most, she was born part human as her father Relaron was actually half-human himself and married a pureblood sorceress named Zirael. Svea lived a privileged life not knowing what it was to starve or be cold until her magical abilities had awakened when she turned six years old everything changed for her. Having no choice but to be sent to the Elder Sanctum to learn how to control and use her powers properly rather than attend normal schooling like other children.   Despite this Svea took to her magical studies very well, even proving herself to be quite the prodigy to many of her instructors. Being one of the top students Svea was allowed to learn more advanced spells and others that had been kept hidden away by Sanctum's masters. Eventually, Svea was later taken to the Protectorate to study magic as an omnipath as the humans took to calling spellcasters. There she learned about magitek and how it could enhance a spellcaster's powers in many different ways.   Though studying magic took up much of her time Svea struggled to find a moment to live life until she discovered her greatest Between her studies, she devoted herself to becoming a talented musician, so much so that she went on to do it professionally. She traveled across the Homelands and the Protectorate performing on stages for everyone from the poor class to the rich class as well.   Eventually, Svea began training to work beside a circle back in the Elder Sanctum, her final test before graduation. She was sent on missions throughout the Homelands with dozens of different spellcasters until she could find a group that she could work with. It was a process that took months before she was able to find people that she fully connected with and worked beside. With time her circle began to grow very slowly with members being added every few weeks.   In the midst of her studies, Svea along with several students from the Sanctum had been forced to fend off attacks from the Emerthain, a band of renegade spellcasters that sought total romance over non-magic users. When her powers began to reach their height they had sent members of their order in the hopes of recruiting her to their cause and when she refused they resorted to force. Sending one caster after the other to kidnap her only to fail miserably with their members either being imprisoned at the end or worse being killed. In just a matter of days, Svea was left little to no choice but to take part in the battle between the Tirn and the Emerthain.   Later on, Svea and a few friends came across a series of attacks on small villages and towns across the Protectorate, witnesses claimed they had been done by the undead. At the time she had never seen any kind of undead in her life which proved to be formidable even for her. With the aid of unexpected allies, she was able to find the source of the attacks and put an end to the undead scourge that plagued the Twelve Cities but at a heavy loss. The undead assault had inflected terrible wounds on the Protectorate, wounds that bleed to this day still and left them vulnerable. In that time the Emerthain had struck again, attempting to overthrow the Protectorate's high council in their goals of supremacy. Since then she has been fighting alongside the Tirn in the attempts to help their allies defend themselves in a never ending struggle

Gender Identity





Schooled in the magical arts at the Elder Sanctum of Itheria. Studied math, science, literature, and history. Learned how to speak Common Tongue and Elvish fluently at a young age. Was taught self-defense.


Circle Leader. Class-A Master Spellcaster. Musician. Professional Stage Dancer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduated from the Elder Sanctum and the Psychomeron at a young age. One of the youngest people to become the leader of her own circle. Became a master musician at the age of seventeen.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once teleported and arrived at the location upside down sitting on the ceiling then fell on her head. Accidently teleported her big brother into a lake during an argument. Turned one of her teacher's familiars (a hawk) into a mouse that was later eaten by a cat on accident.

Intellectual Characteristics

Knowledgeable of the different types of magic and their origins. Has political experience due to traveling with her father who is a Senator. Knows her way around almost half of the cities in the Protectorate. Learned how to fly a skyship. Can navigate on her own through the wilds. Expert at reading magic from any grimoire or spellbook.

Morality & Philosophy

Svea believes in a strong sense of duty, that if someone is given a task or if someone chooses to take it up themselves that they have an obligation to keep it. When she takes on a job or mission of any kind she will commit to it with everything that she has, she will force herself to finish it even if she doesn't want to. She does everything she can to keep her promises, even if she may fail she doesn't let it stop her.   Despite all of her powers, Svea believes that it means nothing if she doesn't find a way to make the world a better place with it. That she has to use not just her power, her smarts, or her strength, but everything to serve a purpose and make life better and heal the world even only a little bit. For this reason above all, Svea will do everything she can to fix things even if it seems like nothing can be done and she will fail.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to create something that can help others. Hopes that someday she will live free of being hunted for her powers. Eventually hopes to fully master her unique abilities. Seeks to reclaim her stolen inventions.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Knowledgeable of the different forms of magic and their origins. Experienced in politics of both the Protectorate and the Homelands alike. Aware of how to break curses through unconventional means. Professional at building and creating magical gear from the Protectorate and the Homelands. Great at making friends with people of many different races and religions.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes chocolate and other baked sweets. Has a fondness for animals. Loves the sea and sailing and swimming. Enjoys free climbing and exploring. Loves making music as well as listening to it. Likes reading and hearing stories.   Dislikes eating crab or shrimp, any kind of shellfish food. Hates horror stories. Not very fond of insects like spiders, roaches, and centipedes. Doesn't like watching violent sports like boxing or mixed martial arts.


Family Ties

Her father Relaron is a senator that is half human in the eldorai Homelands while her mother Zirael is a powerful sorceress as well as a pureblood. Due to her father being close friends with the king Svea is seen as an honorary member of the royal family and is in fact the king's goddaughter.


Speaks openly a freely with people in a happy and welcoming manner. Can speak with a wary and stern tone if suspicious or distrusting of somebody.

Hobbies & Pets

Loves playing music. Enjoys singing. Likes dancing.


Speaks with a calm joyful voice and rarely curses.

Wealth & Financial state

Born as a senator's daughter Svea has always lived a well-provided life. Due to her work of becoming a talented musician she has amassed a great amount of wealth for herself as well as fame.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady, Sorceress, Psion
63 (20 by human appearance)
Dark Grey
Long wavy black hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We can work with that." "I won't let my life's work be used to ruin people's lives."
Known Languages
Common Tongue, Zeran, Elvish


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