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The Eldorai, are the "first born" of Eldorahn. In the time of the Great Beasts it was they who explored much of the world before the Khazaug, humans, and other races began to arrive. They are considered the oldest and wisest race, and are known for their fast knowledge and being the first to practice magic and creating powerful arts and spells not known to any of the other races. The Eldorai are immortal, having attained eternal youth through powerful magics, their glowing skin being a side-effect from this same magic,  and so do not age but they can die from wounds or poisons or extreme emotional depression.

Basic Information


The Eldorai are a tall and slender humanoids. Compared to humans, they are taller on average, more often than not a head taller than most humans, with glowing skin, hair colors ranging anywhere from black, brown, and blonde. After reaching an age close to 5,000 years their hair begins to turn white though they retain their youth, strength, speed, and agility. Naturally the Eldorai are handsome and beautiful and well known for their glowing skin. Though they are physically slender compared to humans they are not weaker. In fact they are just the opposite, they are stronger can run much faster than humans. Though they may not be as strong as the Azgyr they are more than a match in unarmed combat and make up for their lack in strength with their incredible speed and agility.

Genetics and Reproduction

Children are exceedingly rare among the Eldorai. Females only become fertile once every sixty years and most do not have children until they reach an age of a few centuries or a few millennia. Because of this their children are greatly treasured and heavily protected.

Growth Rate & Stages

The eldorai grow no different than a human during the first few years of life. As they grow, their aging begins to drastically slow down to a halt until they appear to be around their late twenties to early fifties. Occasionally an Eldorai can appear older, yet this only happens when they have given way to heartache and extreme emotional trauma.

Ecology and Habitats

The Eldorai have lived in a number of places, though more often than not they have a select few lands and climates that they prefer. Their fabled homeland of Itheria is known as magical marvel, the forest's trees, grass, and plant life are said to pulse with magic and glow different colors in the night. When summer comes, in the first week the leaves turn from green to gold. The Eldorai prefer to live in moderate climates with a fine summer and a fairly basic winter, where food grows in the lush, dense, and beautiful forests.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Unimaginably Wise

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All of the Eldorai have a heightened sense of hearing and incredible eyesight. They can see across miles hear a human's heartbeat from several hundred feet away. Along with their hearing and sight they have a heightened sense of balance, allowing them to trip or fall from a distance and land on their feet.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Eldorai names are very fluent and beautiful, sounding ethereal and otherworldly. For men they take names like Relaron, Erenthiel, Garahel, and Castellan. For women names like Lymwen, Zirael, Ardhiel, and Gwenyr.

Major Organizations

The Grand Circle of Magic is the head council as well as the first and the oldest clan of sorcerers and sorceresses. They also preside over the Amarielle School of Magic. It's libraries filled to the brim with books and scrolls of lost arts and ancient powers that are not found anywhere else. Where spellcasters of all races come to learn magic, and develop new spells and abilities. The Celebreg Guardians are a small band of great warriors and powerful casters who guard the fabled World Tree that is said to be were the Eldorai first learned magic, attaining it through the fruits that grew from the branches. Every Guardian is sworn for their eternal life until death to protect the great tree who would use its powers and knowledge for ill will.

Beauty Ideals

The Eldorai see beauty in all things from the treasures of the earth like gold and jewels but even more so in nature. From the vast green fields, to towering treetops, and flowing rivers. When in regards to other races of similar standing their view of beauty tends to change. To put things plainly they believe that every man and woman has their own view of what or who is considered beautiful. Where one man may find the noble daughter of a great house beyond enchanting another may see the maiden of common birth to be the most beautiful in all the land. Even for the women, a noble lady may find the poor farmer more than worthy of her just as easy a common town girl can fall deeply for a great prince. Everyone of the men have their own opinion and view of what defines woman as beautiful, examining everything from her appearance to her heart and mind. For all of the women, they observe everything in a man, though his standing as a noble would not hurt his chances, she will take into account his physique and appearance, but also his heart, his intellect, his wisdom, and his love of her.

Courtship Ideals

For the Eldorai courtship could not be a more complex matter, all Eldorai are educated in their art of courtship by the parents so when they come of age they at least know a decent amount on the matter. Many men seek a woman of great beauty, but for men of the Eldorai what is considered beautiful is a debatable, for the women they require more than just a handsome noble. When a courtship begins it is common for the men to be ones to typically begin by a compliment or a gift. For a gift anything from a simple flower to a jewel or treasure. Though the land of Itheria is vast and beautiful, some man are known to bring women of their liking and admiration to wonderous views and landmarks. For many of them it can be a tiring and complex decision, once a decision is made for what to do the man must wait and see if the woman he feels affection for will respond. For the women of the Eldorai it is less common for them to take lead in the courtship but not unheard of. When a man approaches with gift or compliment it is up to her to decide if she will give him a response. Now should the woman be the one who begins the courting, she does so by introducing herself and then she must eventually over a gift her own as a token to give a sign of her own affections if any. These gifts tend to be anything from some sort of treasure that bears meaning to her to a jewel of her own choosing. If the pairing decides to, the courting goes on until their feelings grow for one another. Eventually, until they choose to become a married pair.

Relationship Ideals

For the Eldorai, a relationship is viewed as a partnership where the man and woman are meant to support one another in all things.

Average Technological Level

The Eldorai are a relatively advanced race. Their soldiers known for their glowing steel armor that can light dark of night, leaving them to be known as the "shinning army". An assault by their grand army in their shimmering glowing armor is described as the stars coming forth.   One of their greatest inventions is the "Elder Steel" or elven steel, it is capable of slicing through bronze and iron armor and weapons like it is nothing more than cloth. It is recognizable by luminescent glow and the flawless reflective steel that its wielder can see their own reflection in it. Yet its most incredible feat, is the ability for an elder steel to mend itself. If an elder steel sword was broken clean in half, one would simply have to wait and see as the blade regenerated, growing a full blade to complete the weapon.   Yet the Eldorai have attained another more powerful steel, the mysteriously named "Spell-forged Steel" is another marvel entirely. Though commonly used in armor, the spell-forged steel is made from pure magic. Like the elder steel, as an armor it is capable of regenerating as well, but is outclassed by its ability to make the wearer completely immune to magic and curses. Making the wearer a force to be reckoned with by the most powerful magic wielders.   Itheria is where the Eldorai have ruled over since the beginning. One of its most commonly visited cities is El' Khaelen. Though it is impressive and beautiful beyond compare it was said to be nowhere near the capital of Am' Thalor. Where the Eldorai have built towers with spires of crystal, floating palaces, roadways and bridges made of solid light, all hidden by the trees and brush of the forest. Truly it is a place of magic and beauty untouched by time.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Eldorai, Common Tongue

Common Etiquette Rules

It is expected for the Eldorai, that when receiving visitors that they are greeted with courtesy and manners. Often they are given tea or fruits as a small delight before anything else. Among the nobility there is fine wine that is offered and sweets as well. Most of the time the Eldorai offer a small souvenir to their visitors for them to remember their visit.

Common Dress Code

For the Eldorai, to highest dress code tends to fall upon the nobility and royalty. Their clothing is made of only finest silks, cotton, leather, and embroidery. The highest of Eldorai are very well known for their "star silks", a unique sort of cloth that glows brightly in the dead of night. However, not only do the nobility wear this divine attire, though not as available in a wide variety the common folk also wear clothes made of "star silk" but only on rare occasions. The fabled "star silk" that is worn by the Eldorai is available in a variety of colors.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

With their highly skilled warriors and powerful magics, the Eldorai have long considered themselves one of the most powerful races in Eldorahn. They value unity and harmony, due their collectivism and willingness to come together has allowed them to focus and achieve their goals easily.   Co-operation, unity, and harmony are heavily emphasized in their culture. The Eldorai train their workers and warriors alike to work together as one unit in order to strengthen one another and become more effective. They believe that forcing others, those who cannot effectively work with one another is dangerous and costly in both the militaristic and economical level.   The Eldorai's government operates in a caste system that determines what sort of education they will receive. They are ruled by a number of noble houses alongside the King and Queen. For thousands of years the Eldorai have been ruled over by the ancient bloodline. However, any man or woman can aspire to whatever position they desire even if outside their basic education and be judged by their deeds rather than their position of birth. Female Eldorai rarely attain positions of power in their governmental structure though it is becoming more and more common.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Amongst the Eldorai, it is customary to call one by their given name. All of the Eldorai are known to have a "true name", a name that only their family or loved one may call them. On occasion their "true name" is given to only the most trusted friend and cannot be given to another without permission.

Common Taboos

It is forbidden for amongst the Eldorai for a person who is given an one's true name to reveal it to another without permission. An Eldorai's true name is a secret close to the heart, and is highly guarded and carries trust between the Eldorai and the other who they share it with. Those who break this trust are said to be cursed and are forbidden to learn the true name of another.


The Eldorai are said to be the firstborn of the gods, created from the spark of life that the earth and trees themselves sprang from. They began creating their shinning cities within the forests of the continent of Itheria. Many tell stories of them building their homes in the trees and wooden ramps to travel between the high tops of the trees. In truth, they are much more than that, they had grand cities and towers with spires of crystal, floating palaces, roadways and bridges made of solid light. Before the Dark War began the Eldorai numbered in the hundreds of thousands and were once the dominant race. Hundreds of thousands of the Eldorai fell in battle against the demonic scourge that attacked Eldorahn and left the elves nearly extinct, until the other races, humans, khazaug, azgyr, etc. banned together and formed the Great Alliance. With the combined might of all the races, they drove back the demons and saved their world. Since the end of the Dark War, the Eldorai have remained in their sacred homeland, Itheria, were they have lived in relative peace. In recent times, a small subspecies had broken off from the Eldorai called Netherim, or the dark ones as they are called by the humans. Itheria has been home to both branches and since the Dark War the two rival races have been locked in a bitter conflicts that have nearly resulted in war. Yet this has been avoided for the sake of the two races, as the Empire has laid siege to the the beautiful lands of Itheria attacking both the Eldorai and Netherim. However, this has done nothing to decrease the tension between the two factions.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said by many mortals, the Eldorai are supposedly the ancestors of the human race.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Though they are not opposed to the idea, the Eldorai view interspecies relations with a positive outlook. In general they see value and strength in all races, from humans to Khazaug, etc. and have no issue in having romantic relations with other races. Though on occasion, their are a select few among them who look upon other species as allies and nothing more, and that to marry or consort with them is to taint their divine heritage.
Average Height
5ft 6in - 6ft 10in
Average Weight
90lbs- 115lbs


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