Eindride Vihrild Character in Oasis | World Anvil
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Eindride Vihrild

Eindride Vihrild

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Above average height for humans but really not that tall for an aasimar. Athletic build, not really from training but more so from daily physical activity required for a rugged lifestyle.

Body Features

himbo tiddies

Facial Features

About 5-6 scattered black moles, rather small, with the largest ones being at the bottom left of his mouth and near the outside of his right eyebrow, the smaller ones spread between. His cheekbones are prominent and his nose is button-esque.

Identifying Characteristics

Well... he is green, and his eyes are a caramel brown/orange.

Physical quirks

Very rarely, after being wracked for long periods of time with visions from Svipul, parts of his shoulders and back will sprout smooth white feathers. They're very uncomfortable to have under clothing.

Apparel & Accessories

A dark red shirt and brown trousers, with warm black boots lined with fur. He wears hide armor that has seen better days, and a dark grey wool cloak lined with white fur that also creates a warm, puffy collar around his neck. Underneath his hide armor is a light blue vest, and a necklace with a pendant showing the scales and spear of Tyr.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eindride was born to human parents in the impoverished region of Aspain, in a small village near the White Cove. The birth of an aasimar was heralded as a sign of great change for the North, whether good or bad, and as such, his family gained respect in the small community, and with his birth he brought a sense of hope that had long been missing from the poor bygones of his village. His appearance was startling- skin of muted emerald green and eyes empty and the color of caramel- and while he grew to be admired and respected for his birthright, he was never treated like a child, or a full human, by the community.   He learned a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and justice from a young age, both from being on the receiving end of urgent, sometimes violent visions relayed to him from the Valkyrie, Svipul, of what would be expected of him in his life-long service to Tyr, and from being the third oldest child in a family with eight children. His duty to Tyr only just barely surpassed in importance his duty to his family and community, as he exercised his sense of order and civilization through contributing to the bettering of the people around him. His father was a coal miner and worked long hours in treacherous conditions that left him ill or injured most of the time at home; his mother came from a family of trappers that provided furs and leather equipment and armor to workers and soldiers in the area, but struggled to export their goods through the mountains, and had fallen on hard economic times as the population of the village decreased.   Eindride became a third parent to his five younger siblings, learning to cook for them and keeping peace and order in a large household. When he wasn’t taking care of them, or engaged in his divine visions from Svipul, he was with his mother, becoming familiar with the nature of the area and the connection between person and animal. However, religious members of the community urged his family to send him off to the holy city of Aspain, Frostborne, at the age of 15, forcing him to leave behind his family and start his journey into becoming a paladin. His studies took longer than the average student despite his early start, as he had not had a comprehensive education up until that point, and had to catch up on the basics before his training could truly begin. He took the Oath of the Crown in the hopes of bringing order, justice, and civilization to the despairing region around him.

Gender Identity

As Eindride feels a disconnect from humanity, being barely similar to humans, he also feels detached from gender identity. He recognizes himself as a 'he' but not a 'man,' and feels comfortable being referred to with masculine or neutral language (he/him or they/them). He feels no personal connection to the feminine, despite some of his more feminine characteristics, as he often felt the distinct difference between himself and the two sisters around his age.


Mostly disconnected from sexual or romantic attraction in a physical sense, as his peers were always off-put by his appearance. Would theoretically be attracted to someone more similar to himself- it doesn't have to be an aasimar, but rather someone on the 'outside' as he is. Has had an almost-sort-of-not-really "relationship" of this kind before, but it ended in difficulty.


Eindride's knowledge of religion and survival all come from life lessons and his birthright, rather than schooling. He never received formal schooling and his parents could not home school, so up until he went to Frostborne, he could just barely read and write. He had to learn, of course, for his religious studies, and to better communicate with his classmates, but it's still something he struggles with and gets embarrassed about. He had spent most of his childhood taking care of his siblings, unable to truly educate them or himself.


Currently a paladin, but used to occasionally help his mother out with tanning hides and stitching up furs into clothing.

Failures & Embarrassments

His lack of education makes him slow to the draw sometimes, despite his worldly wisdom. He still struggles with reading and writing when put on the spot, and when asked to relay information or share tips or skills, he blanches. Despite his excellent people skills, he sometimes has a stuttering problem, and falls flat on his face when it comes to 'intellectual' conversation. Definitely not a puzzle solver.

Mental Trauma

For all of his life, he watched his father suffer from illness and pain afflicted by his difficult line of work. Because of this, Eindride has an mental tic associated with sickness and disease- he seeks to dispel all pain and illness when he is able to.   He also had a lil thing goin on in paladin school that I need to finalize but it involves a longtooth shifter and weird teenage feelings

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Eindride pledged to the Oath of the Crown, feeling that fulfilling his service to his deity, his community, and society as a whole was the only way to bring prosperity and peace back to those in turmoil and despair across the region. He seeks to stand between all that is good in the world and the evils of societal destruction; he is self-sacrificing, but never sees it as a sacrifice, but rather as what is necessary, as he has been gifted divine strength in order to uphold justice and bring the holy light into the world, by any means possible. He is dedicated to the Tenets of the Crown: Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilization together, and it must be respected.   Loyalty. Your word is your bond. Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless.   Courage. You must be willing to do what needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If you don't act, then who will?   Responsibility. You must deal with the consequences of your actions, and you are responsible for fulfilling your duties and obligations.

Protector aasimar paladin dedicated to law, justice, and enjoying a good stew

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
First of the Bloodstone Moon, 333
A village near White Cove
Current Residence
Frostborne kinda idk
Brown/orange, no pupil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light emerald green
155 lb
Known Languages
Common and celestial

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Letter to Inkeri 1

Dearest Sister,   You are the Only of our Siblings I will bother to write to anymore. Thora is short with me in her letters- she Thinks I am iliterate, and even if She is right, I still do Not apreceate it- and Tove, who Knows? She and Gunnar do help so Well with the business but they do not Care much for Father and his ailments, it is like they would rather he Die and Leave Us without his [it trails off here, there's awkward spacing] they See Him as a Burdene I can not stande it I [more awkward spacing and scribbles]   Inkeri I fell Apart with the drinke the other Night and I thought too much of Father. I just meant to be with my new Companions, to be Like them, and to understand this new person who has joined us, a Genasi fellowe who I did not truste but, that is not That importent, Inkeri I dranke something strange, moonshine? [the writing here is shaky and pressed so hard into the paper in places it looks like holes could form] I felt so Ill like I imagine like Father feels When he is coughing up nearly Choking, like what is inside of him is Churning out of him like his inisdes do not wante to Be inside of Him anymore. I woke up and did not wante to throw up but Had to I had water and tried to eat but like Father I could not settle anything down like somehting Bad had gotten into me and I could not get it out.   I am Sorry. I do not want to think of it. And I will not have you think of it. But how is Father? It is okay. I am sorry. Inkeri, you are my Sister and my Friend. You know that? Yes.   Inkeri. Something is coming to Aspain. To Silksumit, where I will be arriving shortly. You must Protect Our Family. I will do everything I cann to fight Evil in this world but You, You must keep Our Family safe. I will tell you when- when I know, when I think it is Right- to Leave, to Escape because something is happening in Silksumit and I am Afraid. For You.   I do not have much more time left to Write to You. The Sun Rises and we journey On. Inkeri, please do what is Right for Our Family.   Oh and now I Have a Pet Wolf. You will meet Her.   Your Loving Brother and Friend, Always, Eindride

Letter to Mother 1

Dearest Mother,   I know You want me to write to you more but, it's hard to get the time. I Do so much traveling, After Leaving Frostborne, and going south to apply all I have studied to the World, to bring law and justice, and protect civilliz- [the word is scribbled out] civali- [more scribbles] People, and all that is Good and Holy in this world. You know what I am talking About.   I Miss home, and the snow, and You and Father. How is he? I did not want to leave when I Did- It was too hard to see him in bed, Coughing, sicker than I had ever seen him, unable to Eat... but I was told by the temple that I had to take the journey Out into the world, Finally... I am still sorry, even though you tell me not to be. I know you and Inkari can take Care of him but I Wish I could do more. I wish I could heal but that is not what Svipul Blesses me With. That is not how Tyr formed my hands- he formed them to Smite Evil. And I will if it means You All will be safe. If it means All People in this world will be safe.   I Miss You All. But here with Me is a piece of home- I rescued a beautiful Wolfe from a dark Cultist dungun. She is beautiful- Greye, and brown. I named her Daisy. I do not Know where the name came from- but she is as beautiful as a Flowere. Perhaps you will meet her when I come Home, which may be sooner than I assumed.   You see, I am traveling back Yourr way, to Silksumit, on flying ships! You should see suche a sight. There are many dangers Here, and many more I have encountered since- cults, magical Cabins that Disappear, Swamps, and now, Pirates and other dangers I much warde off to protect my Home. I will not give you ful details- I do not want to worry You. But You know already that I will protect my Home, and all that is Good in this world, and so, this new danger is no issue. You can always Counte on Me.   Mother, I hope I see You soone, but If I do not, please, write back and tell me how Father faires. If I could I would write to Everyone but I do not think I have the Time- I will write to Inkeri but Really, I do not thinke Thora and Tove will have time to write me Backe anyway. Give my Love to the youngest Foure, and tell them to watch after their Father too.     I love you Deeply, and I hope you will write Back Soon. Your Son, Eindride   [there is a tear at the bottom of the paper and a good bit of crinkling- presumably from Eindride showing Daisy the letter and her thinking it might be food]