Eindride Vihrild | World Anvil

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Eindride Vihrild

Protector aasimar paladin dedicated to law, justice, and enjoying a good stew

Campaign & Party

Run by xXPunchy_PrincessXx667
Played by

https://www.wattpad.com/user/eldritchbajablast   here is my wattpad where i post stuff abt my characters yyyyeeee

Sun 26th Jul 2020 04:09

Letter to Inkeri 1

by Eindride Vihrild

Dearest Sister,
You are the Only of our Siblings I will bother to write to anymore. Thora is short with me in her letters- she Thinks I am iliterate, and even if She is right, I still do Not apreceate it- and Tove, who Knows? She and Gunnar do help so Well with the business but they do not Care much for Father and his ailments, it is like they would rather he Die and Leave Us without his [it trails off here, there's awkward spacing] they See Him as a Burdene I can not stande it I [more awkward spacing and scribbles]
Inkeri I fell Apart with the drinke the other Night and I thought too much of Father. I just meant to be with my new Companions, to be Like them, and to understand this new person who has joined us, a Genasi fellowe who I did not truste but, that is not That importent, Inkeri I dranke something strange, moonshine? [the writing here is shaky and pressed so hard into the paper in places it looks like holes could form] I felt so Ill like I imagine like Father feels When he is coughing up nearly Choking, like what is inside of him is Churning out of him like his inisdes do not wante to Be inside of Him anymore. I woke up and did not wante to throw up but Had to I had water and tried to eat but like Father I could not settle anything down like somehting Bad had gotten into me and I could not get it out.
I am Sorry. I do not want to think of it. And I will not have you think of it. But how is Father? It is okay. I am sorry. Inkeri, you are my Sister and my Friend. You know that? Yes.
Inkeri. Something is coming to Aspain. To Silksumit, where I will be arriving shortly. You must Protect Our Family. I will do everything I cann to fight Evil in this world but You, You must keep Our Family safe. I will tell you when- when I know, when I think it is Right- to Leave, to Escape because something is happening in Silksumit and I am Afraid. For You.
I do not have much more time left to Write to You. The Sun Rises and we journey On. Inkeri, please do what is Right for Our Family.
Oh and now I Have a Pet Wolf. You will meet Her.
Your Loving Brother and Friend,

Eindride's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Letter to Mother 1
    26 Jul 2020 02:32:39
  2. Letter to Inkeri 1
    26 Jul 2020 04:09:41

The major events and journals in Eindride's history, from the beginning to today.

Letter to Inkeri 1

Dearest Sister, You are the Only of our Siblings I will bother to write to anymore. Thora is short with me in her letters- she Thinks I am iliterate, and even if She is right, I still do Not apreceate it- and Tove, who Knows? She and Gunnar do help so ...

04:09 am - 26.07.2020

Letter to Mother 1

Dearest Mother, I know You want me to write to you more but, it's hard to get the time. I Do so much traveling, After Leaving Frostborne, and going south to apply all I have studied to the World, to bring law and justice, and protect civilliz- [the wor...

02:32 am - 26.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eindride.

Played by

https://www.wattpad.com/user/eldritchbajablast   here is my wattpad where i post stuff abt my characters yyyyeeee

Other Characters by eldritchbajablast