Kelt Tarrensworn Character in Oasis | World Anvil
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Kelt Tarrensworn

Kelt Tarrensworn

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and lithe, she can easily pass for a teenage boy or young man if she drops her voice and pins up her hair, especially if she has enough time to make herself look more masculine with makeup.

Identifying Characteristics

Has a thin scar across her left cheek.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears clothes that cover most of her body, and favors shorts or short skirts over dresses. Prefers to wear gloves. No matter what she's wearing, she prefers bright, attention-catching colors, and her usual clothes are designed for ease of movement and dramatic effect in a fight. Her ears have multiple small gold hoops and studs in them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a traveling acting troupe to a human father and elven mother, Kelt learned lines from plays before she learned to read, and started acting before she was ten. By the time she was fifteen, another member of the troupe, an acrobat, had taught her stage fighting, which she excelled at, and found her niche in playing fearless young heroes and adventurers onstage.   Her mother anticipated her daughter's bardic magic before she discovered it for herself, and tried to teach her to be careful with her words as a child. Kelt, though, was growing up in an environment where almost nothing was off-limits, and reacted by asking her acrobat tutor to teach her Gnomish so she could circumvent her mother's restrictions in a language she didn't understand. After accidentally casting Vicious Mockery at her sparring partner, she was forced to be more careful, although she only learned to control her magic, not her tongue.   When she was twenty-three, her parents decided to retire to Valpond, and she followed them there and settled into a more sedentary lifestyle for a few years. Though living in Valpond initially held some interest for her, she was tired of the routine of housework and helping with her father's garden within half a year. It was around that time that she met, befriended, and then fell in love with Rowe, a farmer's son.   The couple got engaged almost two years later, but struggled. Rowe, who wanted a stable life and family, grew frustrated with Kelt's unwillingness to settle down, and Kelt began to feel trapped by Rowe's desire to build a permanent life together. Soon after, she broke off the engagement and left town. She looks back on their relationship fondly, but has no desire to reconcile with him, and they haven't had any contact since she left, though she often sends letters to Valpond for her parents.   In the last twenty-odd years after leaving Valpond, she's traveled with two different troupes, taken dozens of odd jobs and short-term employment, and has wandered across a good chunk of the continent; always writing, but never visiting, home.


No formal education, but learned an eclectic mix of skills and knowledge from traveling with her troupe, including tumbling, acting, sewing, card and dice games, fighting, and painting.   Grew up speaking both Elvish and Common, and learned to read and write both from her mother.   Learned to speak Gnomish from the gnome who taught her acrobatics, but isn't able to read or write it.


She began acting before she was ten and helped prepare for performances at an even younger age. Aside from acting, she's taken up a number of jobs ranging from bartending to courier work, but never stays at one job for long.

Failures & Embarrassments

Between her irreverent nature and her love of a good insult, she's been kicked out of more than a few taverns and caused scandals in small towns. Smooth talking can only get her out of so many of those consequences.   Arlyn easily almost killed her when she was forced to fight her, which she finds a little embarrassing. She wants to fight her again properly to see if Arlyn really is better than she is.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Generally, she avoids being deliberately cruel to those who don't deserve it, but she doesn't often worry herself with questions of morality or philosophy, and that thoughtlessness can have unintended consequences for others. If she thought about it, she'd probably agree with positive nihilism - life is meaningless, so enjoy what you can.   In her few moments of genuine reflection, she's realized that she envies the long lives of elves, and fears dying before she's experienced everything she wants to try. That said, she also hasn't fully grasped the thought of her own future death, even though she knows logically that everything dies eventually.

Personality Characteristics


More than anything, she hates to be bored, and the constant new experiences from traveling are exciting enough to draw her interest.   Despite being a drifter with little to tie her anywhere other than her parents, she's not searching for a cause or greater meaning in life - all she wants is to keep doing what she enjoys and try what seems interesting. Despite her longer lifespan, there are still thousands of things she's never seen or tried, and that makes her certain that she never needs to worry about running out of things to do.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Has an excellent memory, knows all sorts of information and trivia, and is well-practiced in most of the tasks needed to live on the road. She's a persuasive speaker and very flexible.   She's also a disastrous cook, is bad at budgeting, and has large gaps in her knowledge due to her lack of formal education that she has little inclination to fix. Though she claims it's from lack of interest, she's also just not very good at most subjects.

Likes & Dislikes

Enjoys early mornings and late nights, festivals, playing cards, riddles, swordfights, and anything that she hasn't done before or that seems likely to make a good story.   Dislikes needing to sleep, most scholarly pursuits, rain, bitter flavors, and stiff or stodgy people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Bad at holding her tongue unless she specifically reminds herself to do so, and tends to talk her way into trouble even more than out of trouble.


Tries to keep clean as much as she can, but is usually covered in a layer of road dust.


Family Ties

Both of her parents are former actors enjoying their retirement in Valpond. Her human father, Aronne, is learning to garden, and her elven mother Sybella heads a children's community theatre. She gets along well with both of her parents, especially her mother, and writes them letters about her adventures and misadventures often.

Religious Views

While she acknowledges the existence of the gods, she doesn't pay any particular attention to most, but pays more respect to Dionysus and the Muses.

Social Aptitude

Comfortable in all sorts of social situations and excellent at faking ease when she's not. She's talkative and loves a good insult. Her silver tongue is more likely to get her into trouble than out of it, despite her best efforts.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
29 of the Ruby Moon, 294
Near Riverton
5 ft 6 in
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Gnomish

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30 of Citrine Moon

Dad was always telling me I should keep a journal on the road, but it takes up so much time! But I want to remember everything that happened tonight no matter what, so I guess he wins this one, cause he and Mom will only get worried if I write about all of this to them.   I wish we could do more things like the masquerade ball. I get that sometimes you've gotta deal with nasty dungeons and caves and cultists to get paid, but what's the point of making money if you can't use it on fun experiences with people you like? We should make a point of doing some new thing every time we go to a new place. I mean, already we've had so much fun doing all kinds of stuff! Dinner and drinks is nice, the airship was better, the ball might be the best yet - but this group is just fun to be with.   Only downside of the ball was the fuck who tried something with Pest, but we dealt with him pretty easily. Asshole didn't know what to do against people who didn't back down when he pulled the 'rich and powerful' card, let alone people who could kick his ass. Day and Arlyn scared him so bad he pissed himself. He won't be bothering anybody else again.   That new Silence spell I've been messing with came in handy for that! I've usually been good at making noisy magic, so it's kind of satisfying to be able to make things make no noise too. Feels like I'm getting good at controlling it. Mom would be excited - I should tell her! Just maybe not about the first thing I used it for.   Arlyn didn't want to dance at all while we were there even though she dressed up all fancy like the rest of us. Is she just shy? I've gotta convince her to come dance eventually - we keep getting chances to, and she keeps passing it up! She's even said no when I tried to convince her, and that works almost every time! She's way more stubborn than most people. At least Abdulkareem and Day and Pest are good sports. Pest and Day tried to outdo me and Abdulkareem, and they're both pretty graceful actually, but he's a dancer by trade and this is pretty much in my wheelhouse anyway. That said, he and Pest together were a sight to see! They're both super dramatic and competitive - plus Pest definitely likes him. It was a really good show. I'm almost jealous of how well they pulled it off.   After the masquerade and getting Arabella into the political position that she wanted - I should maybe ask Eindride about that later - we went back to that fancy hotel and had our own little afterparty. I feel like we all get each other a bit more now! Also Pest and I are going to fight.   Arlyn surprised me again when I bet her about when Pest and Abdulkareem are going to do something about the obvious crush she's got. Apparently she sees it too - that proves I'm not just seeing things like Pest seems to want me to think. There's tension there! They both like being dramatic and causing trouble and stealing things! I feel like they'd have a good time together.   Arlyn and I are gonna keep trying to gather evidence and see what happens. Working together with her will be fun!

Letter Home #1
24 of Citrine Moon

Dear Mom,   So, this letter is going to be a little late by the time you get it, which - sorry? I meant to write something earlier, but things just kept happening and I haven't been in an actual town since the last time I wrote. Hopefully that should only be a few weeks ago by the time this one gets delivered.   But yeah, I'm not dead! I'm still traveling with that group I wrote about last time, although the kobold, Urlil, isn't with us anymore. She went back to her home city, I think. I figured it'd just be the six of us after that, but we picked up another new person right before we left Whispshadow. His name's Abdulkareem, and he reminds me a bit of a couple of the performers we knew back in the troupe. So I like him so far.   Pest - the tiefling I told you about - I think she's got a crush on him. She's always watching him, and there was this whole thing with her stealing his clothes, but she got pretty defensive when I asked her about it. She's probably shy, 'cause she's all mysterious and distant and stuff with us most of the time too. She's really pretty, though, and she's been nice to the kids we've run into so far, so she's not all grumpy.   Other than all that, I tried teaching Eindride to dance, and Arlyn and I got the group to all hang out and talk - oh yeah, and in the last town we were in, I bought this moonshine from a tavern that I think you'd like! It's really strong - even more than the stuff Gisbert used to always have in his flask - so Dad would probably choke on it if he tried. Somebody in the group always ends up drunk after a couple of sips. But I think I'm traveling with a bunch of lightweights.   Right now, we're on a skyship! It's even more fun than I thought it would be to be up so high, but there hasn't been a lot of time to enjoy it. See, we're here because the captain wanted to hire on guards for a trip to Aspain, and the group was interested in going up that way and getting paid for it. I think they're all crazy - it's cold up there! And there's not a lot going on up there, either.   Or, well, there wasn't last time I wandered up that way. But it seems like something might be going on now. Part of the cargo that the ship we're on is transporting is explosives - they're round black balls that blow up when they're touched, and they're pretty sensitive. We found out that Faykeep is shipping them to Aspain, which makes me worry that there might be some kind of trouble coming. I know you haven't really had much contact with Faykeep since you left to be with Dad, but do you know anything about this? I don't want there to be a war or anything.   I hope you and Dad had a good Festival at home - did you get together with the neighbors this time? And maybe you can convince Dad not to send me three pages talking about the daisies he's growing this time when you write back.   I think we'll be in Silksummit for a while, so hopefully that'll be enough time for me to get your next letter before we leave again.   I love you!   Kelt