Kelt Tarrensworn | World Anvil

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Kelt Tarrensworn

Level 6 Half-Elf Chaotic Neutral Swords Bard
/ 41 HP

Campaign & Party

Run by xXPunchy_PrincessXx667
30 of Citrine Moon


by Kelt Tarrensworn

Dad was always telling me I should keep a journal on the road, but it takes up so much time! But I want to remember everything that happened tonight no matter what, so I guess he wins this one, cause he and Mom will only get worried if I write about all of this to them.
I wish we could do more things like the masquerade ball. I get that sometimes you've gotta deal with nasty dungeons and caves and cultists to get paid, but what's the point of making money if you can't use it on fun experiences with people you like? We should make a point of doing some new thing every time we go to a new place. I mean, already we've had so much fun doing all kinds of stuff! Dinner and drinks is nice, the airship was better, the ball might be the best yet - but this group is just fun to be with.
Only downside of the ball was the fuck who tried something with Pest, but we dealt with him pretty easily. Asshole didn't know what to do against people who didn't back down when he pulled the 'rich and powerful' card, let alone people who could kick his ass. Day and Arlyn scared him so bad he pissed himself. He won't be bothering anybody else again.
That new Silence spell I've been messing with came in handy for that! I've usually been good at making noisy magic, so it's kind of satisfying to be able to make things make no noise too. Feels like I'm getting good at controlling it. Mom would be excited - I should tell her! Just maybe not about the first thing I used it for.
Arlyn didn't want to dance at all while we were there even though she dressed up all fancy like the rest of us. Is she just shy? I've gotta convince her to come dance eventually - we keep getting chances to, and she keeps passing it up! She's even said no when I tried to convince her, and that works almost every time! She's way more stubborn than most people. At least Abdulkareem and Day and Pest are good sports. Pest and Day tried to outdo me and Abdulkareem, and they're both pretty graceful actually, but he's a dancer by trade and this is pretty much in my wheelhouse anyway. That said, he and Pest together were a sight to see! They're both super dramatic and competitive - plus Pest definitely likes him. It was a really good show. I'm almost jealous of how well they pulled it off.
After the masquerade and getting Arabella into the political position that she wanted - I should maybe ask Eindride about that later - we went back to that fancy hotel and had our own little afterparty. I feel like we all get each other a bit more now! Also Pest and I are going to fight.
Arlyn surprised me again when I bet her about when Pest and Abdulkareem are going to do something about the obvious crush she's got. Apparently she sees it too - that proves I'm not just seeing things like Pest seems to want me to think. There's tension there! They both like being dramatic and causing trouble and stealing things! I feel like they'd have a good time together.
Arlyn and I are gonna keep trying to gather evidence and see what happens. Working together with her will be fun!

Kelt's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Letter Home #1
    24 of Citrine Moon
  2. Post-Masquerade
    30 of Citrine Moon

The major events and journals in Kelt's history, from the beginning to today.


Dad was always telling me I should keep a journal on the road, but it takes up so much time! But I want to remember everything that happened tonight no matter what, so I guess he wins this one, cause he and Mom will only get worried if I write about all o...

06:46 am - 14.08.2020

Letter Home #1

Dear Mom, So, this letter is going to be a little late by the time you get it, which - sorry? I meant to write something earlier, but things just kept happening and I haven't been in an actual town since the last time I wrote. Hopefully that should onl...

10:42 am - 24.07.2020