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Northern guard of the imperial gallowglass

Where the Vastrian king travels that band of foreigners are always with him. Like chained hounds they follow him. So imposing are these savages so deadly is their skill that none would dare strike at the flesh of the emperor. And so loyal are they in their duty that the emperor must surely think naught can do him harm.
    An observation of the gallowglass northern guard by sir Valer Trebeant



The northern guard is made up of a minimum of four thousand warriors stationed throughout the Imperial residencies in times of peace but this number can Increase when the emperor is believed to be at increased risk.


Various weapon care kits   gunpowder and shot   grooming kit (An emperor's guards must always look good.)   lanterns   Bandoleers   shackles   truncheon   Bagpipes   Banners


The gallowglass are famed for their skill in the use of Cruthi and Vastrian weaponry. The average northern Warrior is armed with a wilderklaue the Gallowglass's iconic basket hilted broadsword, a leather targe shield a heavy bore matchlock musket, a dirk, a whee-lock or blacksmiths pistol and a pole-arm such as a halberd, pike or a Cruthi great axe or war lance. They can also be armed with hatchets, claymores, long seaxes, sabres and most carry up to four clay fuse bombs.


It is very simmilar to regular gallowglass command structure The northern guard is placed under the command of a Commandant who coordinates the orders issued to them. The guard is broken into bands of about a thousand warriors each commanded by its own captain. They are then devided into ceatharns of fifty led by a bandleader selected by his peers. The only difference being insted of reporting to the warchief of the gallowglass, they report directly to the emperor.


The favored battle tactic of the gallowglass is the wall of fangs. A destinctly cruthi twist on pike and shot warfare. It consosts of three lines of warriors with the first line forming a sheild wall and striking out with swords and hatchets. The second line uses polarms to keep the enemy at bay, halberds and great axes are used on the flanks. The third line comrpises of musketeers who fire constant vollies and throw bombs at the enemy. They use this in the event of evacuating the emperor. Depending on where an attacking force may be comming from they will barracade halls of an imperial residence to hold off attackers for as long as possible allowing the emperor to escape. While evacuating the emperor they have two warriors at either side rushing him to safetey and a squad of six men to spot and deal with any threats.   They protect the emperor by forming a ring around him and never straying more than a few steps behind him. They request constant updates from the palace maintenence crew who inform them of any week spots in the palace structure and post guards accordingly. They also routinely inspect the kitchens and the servants themselves for any suspicious items or evidence of plots. While guarding the palace at night they have irregular patrol patterns in order to catch would be intruders unaweres and have hidden blinds in the palace to keep watch without being noticed themselves.


The Northern guard put a high importance on having good mental and physical strength and are subjected to a rigorous training regiment. They practice traditional Cruthi fighting styles as well as Vastrian styles such as gunnery and halberd fighting. They are constantly drilled in the methods used to protect the emperor, tested on their vigilance and trustworthiness and are trained in espionage, torture, evacuation, and interrogation. Preparation for any situation, skill at arms and dedication to duty is the goal of the northern guard training.


Logistical Support

The Guard have limated logistical support. The gallowglass naval fleet is not very big and is almost always engaged in pirate hunting so it is difficult for the guard to get naval assistance. However the gallowglass employs regular civilian porters to transport men and supplies to wherever they need to go. If for whatever reason this is not available to the guard, at the emperor's behest guard bandleaders and high rank warriors are able to contract ships, and other modes of transport for this purpose or if necessary they may commandeer what they need.


As well as being able to call in more gallowglass warriors from the main force they are able to call upon the assistance of regiments of the imperial army, civil constabularies and may even form civilian militias during times of invasion and siege. While pirate hunting or while on naval campaigns they may call upon the support of the imperial navy to assist with navigation or to assist in attacks.


The guard were paid a salery of fourty Lowens a month as well as receiving bonuses for foiling plots against them. Materials for forging weapons and armour is paid for by the crown as is food and ammunition.


Gallowglass permitted to serve tours in the Northern guard must first be recommended by a bandleader and then approved by a representative of the guard. Despite protest from certain houses, guards can be either men or women and are selected for their stature, skill at arms, deeds in battle but importantly their adherence to following orders, good conduct and Gallowglass code. The process to make sure they can be trusted is very thorough. They keep a record of a candidate's indiscretions, potential for corruptibility and whether or not they show any particular talents making them a good fit with the guard. After being selected they go through further training before being sworn in at a Cruthi shrine to renew their oath to protect the emperor no matter the cost.


Serving good Freidrich

In the days when the Gallowglass was young and serving emperor Freidrich IV they were all known as the northern guard. It was them that guarded his throne and purged his court of traitors. They scoured the Imperial capital of Luschen hunting down conspirators making it safe for the emperor to return. The Cruthi Mercenaries soon changed their name to the Imperial Gallowglass but the Imperial bodyguard regiment kept the name of the northern guard.  

RudolfIan expansions

  While Freidrich IV had managed to secure the empire, his son Rudolf II wanted to expand it. Around Vastria hundreds warring polities fought amongst themselves constantly and Rudolf decided to bring them into the fold. After 15 years of warring with the gallowglass at the forefront of his conquests he defeated nine kings and dozens of warlords, letting them keep their thrones in exchange for their submission. The northern guard kept the peace in the new conquered lands and accompanied the emperor into battle.  

Integration period

Even though Vastria had triumphed over the armies over the armies of their many now subject polities, fighting was still rife. Rebellion in the frontiers was common and an outbreak of banditry had gripped the land. It had taken Rudolph's son Freidrich the 5th and later his granddaughter empress Freya to bring order to the land. The guard were kept busy throughout this time helping to keep the peace in the cities and protect imperial properties.  

Dishonoured in the golden age

The eighty years were a time of relative peace. Outside the odd feud between imperial polities it was a time focused on trade and development. Putting the land to work and making highly profitable trade connections with other nations brought wealth to Vastria and was used to great effect in making the empire a centre of culture and learning. The gallowglass was not put into action as much, the main gallowglass being utilised for pirate hunting and protecting trade ships. As such the northern guard had become more relaxed than they should have been. Their honour was dashed in 2794 when emperor Ludwig V was poisoned by a scheming rival princess. The guard piped his coffin through the streets of the Luschen and marched beside his coffin topless, with their beards shaven in disgrace. Never again would they allow themselves to be so careless.  

The siege of Brunden

  Their finest hour was doubtless the great siege of Brunden. The invasion by the Sadalisian empire was swift and strong. They had swept through the empires southwest trampling six princely states and wreaking terror wherever they went. The goal of their invasion was the jewel of the Voldar, the city of Brunden. Emperor Charles the fair had anticipated their target and he dispatched a force of three thousand northern guards to ride with haste to aid in the cities defence with a larger force of twenty thousand imperial army and seven thousand gallowglass to drive the invaders off. The guard had arrived just before the enemy could set up their siege camp and sought to coordinate the defence. For six months they held their nerve, withstanding the endless hammer siege missiles and repelling attacks through the crumbling walls. At night they would raid the enemy camps setting fires, sabotaging siege weapons and killing the enemy in their sleep before slipping back into the city. When the enemy had successfully collapsed walls they charged into the city nly to be met with the swords and axes of the guard who cut them down without any mercy. Finally in the fourth month of the siege, the imperial army arrived, they set the war camp of the invaders ablaze and sent the Sadalish army into full retreat. Of the Three thousand northern guards defending the city seven hundred lived to return to Luschen where they were paraded through the streets as heroes.
2732 CR
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles


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Aug 11, 2024 13:40 by Marjorie Ariel

I love your opening quote and the reference to the grooming kit in equipment (lol). I was a little confused in the logistical support section because this is the only time you mention a fleet, and I wasn't sure what the fleet was.

Aug 11, 2024 14:20

Well if you're the last thing the enemy is going to see, you might as well look your best. Thanks for pointing the fleet thing out.