Aurean Sewer Rat

The aurean sewer rat is a large species of rodent found in the sewers of Aureapolis, the capital of the Aurean Empire. While giant rats are not unheard in many cities, along with other more remote regions, a particularly large population dwells under Aureapolis. They are larger and slower than the typical giant rat, having no natural predators aside from giant spiders and occasionally the desperate urban poor, and have an exceptional sense of smell to help find food in particularly odorous environments. They have many noted similarities with the Talluran sewer rat, found in one of the only cities in Obseron with a more complex sewer ecosystem, though the two species are not likely any closer related than they are too the typical giant rat.

Basic Information


The aurean sewer rat usually grows to between 3 -4 feet in length without the tail, weighing around 30-65 pounds. They have shorter tails than typical rats, and unlike most rats their tails are not prehensile.
Geographic Distribution