
Aureapolis is the capital of the Aurean Empire, and though somewhat shrunken from its height remains the largest city in Obseron. It sits along the Paletar River in the hills near the base of The Dragonpeaks, spreading across several hills and onto both sides of the river. It is surrounded by the Aurean province of Aureapolis, which is named after the city but does not include it. The city has sprawled far beyond any of the defenses that have been built for it, leaving much of the city indefensible if an attack was ever to reach it.   The city has an estimated population of roughly 850,000 people, down from its peak of 1.1 million in the Aurean census of 4820 AY, the last one conducted. Only a small portion of that population lives within the cities walls, the rest beyond in a mostly continuous expanse of suburbs, including some areas with their own fortifications. Its vast size has led to the presence of what locals describe as "cities within a city", where smaller areas include the full range of what can be found in a typical city, including whole neighborhoods, markets, temples, their own local nobility, and the ability to produce everything the residents need aside from natural resources that must be imported from outside the city. Most of these areas have the unique feel of a separate city, and many residents rarely if ever leave these areas.   As the city's population has shrunk, many of the outermost districts have largely become abandoned. Officials forbid these areas from being turned into farmland, hoping to eventually repopulate them. So far, however, this has not happened in many of these areas, leaving a band of decaying buildings in the city's outskirts.


The population of Aureapolis is primarily human, but contains a great number of other humanoids as well. Most races found commonly within the empire or former imperial territories are well represented, with the relatively large number of dragonborn being especially notable. Even some of the less well regarded races — such as orcs, goblinoids, and drow — while not widely accepted within the city are found in some numbers in its outermost suburbs.   Within the city of Aureapolis the wealthiest residents, especially the nobility, tend to live within the walled city and other fortified areas. Merchants are concentrated near the cities markets and near the docks to the north of the rapids, which lie in the suburb of Aureaport. Craftspeople are concentrated largely in small, profession specific enclaves near the markets and wealthiest areas. The poorest residents, largely unskilled laborers, dwell between these areas.


The size of Aureapolis has led to its division into sections with their own administrator, known as a city magistrate, who were originally appointed by the emperor but have largely become hereditary. These city magistrates rule over their districts similarly to how the dukes rule over the provinces, setting local tax rates and most other laws, and can only be overruled by the emperor. However, powerful nobles, trade guilds, and religious groups (especially the churches of Deyallor and Nerralla), and other groups and individuals are often able to exert power in ways that can influence the magistrates decisions, often leading to complex political webs that do not at all resemble the near absolute power they theoretically enjoy.


Only the central portion of the city is surrounded by walls, with most of the city lying undefended. A variey of smaller fortifications dot the other parts of the city, mostly fortified armories and private strongholds built by the local nobility. Many emperors have tried to build larger walls, eventually failing due a lack of funds or other difficulties. This has left a great number of unfinished fortifications scattered throughout the city, known by locals as half-walls.


The section of the river adjacent to the center of the city is a fast flowing rapid, near impossible to cross by boat. Though the city was originally built near it for defensive purposes, a large, sturdy bridge was later built over it in 1762 AY. The Aureapolis Bridge is known as an architectural wonder and is decorated with large dragon statues that stare down both at the river and at travelers crossing the bridge. It is wide enough to for three carts to pass side by side, and is the only bridge to cross into walled section of the city, linking it to the district known as East Aureapolis and other nearby settlements on the east bank.   In addition to the Aureapolis Bridge the city has three other bridges, one to the north and two to the south, which are much all much newer and are built outside of the city walls. The largest of these is known as the Market Bridge, and it's edges are filled with stalls. In areas away from these bridges there are also a few ferries, mostly small raftlike crafts, that can carry travelers across the river for a fee.   The city has a large set of docks in the district of Aureaport near the market bridge, which can hold a great number of ships. In addition to being the port for the capital, the docks are situated at the highest navigable point on the Paletar River, and the docks are almost always full. As the Paletar is not particularly wide the number of ships can lead to crowding on the river and occasionally collisions.   Aureapolis also has an ancient, complex, and partially crumbling sewer system under most of the city. It is filled with water from dragon creek, which flows through the city. Being thousands of years old, it has many disused passages, some of which are partially or entirely sealed off. Before the collapse many people lived within the sewers, but as the city's population has dwindled most left for abandoned dwelling on the surface. Smaller encampments remain in some areas, but most of the sewers are now empty, and parts are now inhabited by bandits and various monsters.


Aureapolis has a great number of districts, most of which are not listed here. These are a few of the most prominant:


The main port of Aureapolis, Aureaport is found just north of the walled city and its adjacent rapids. The furthest navigable point up the river, many boats stop here to unload cargo destined both for within the city and beyond. Most of this fairly large neighborhood is constantly busy, often late into the night due to its high concentration of taverns, brothels, and various types of performances, both outside and in various establishments. On any street one is likely to hear a variety of languages spoken or shouted, and the neighborhood's residents include anyone from poor dockworkers and porters to wealthy merchants and even some nobles along with everyone in between, with the poorest and wealthiest neighborhoods often only a few streets apart.   Aureaport also has what is likely the largest selection of shops in the city, along with multiple open air markets. Anything from common goods, to exotic imports, to high quality luxuries and crafted items can be found here, along with the most specialized services. Petty crime is common, but a strong Dragonguard presence keeps the area safer than much of the city.

Dragon's Maw

One of the city's largest districts in both area and population, Dragon’s Maw is very poor and nearly abandoned by the Dragonguard. It is run by the Dragon’s Teeth, one of the city's largest and most powerful gangs, which is in an ongoing battle with House Vekar, the magesterial house that officially rules the area. There is a large and active temple of Dakath built in an abandoned Deyallor where the evil god of power and greed is worshiped openly.

East Aureapolis

This large district takes up most of the area East of the Paletar. Mostly quiet and peaceful, with the feel of a smaller settlement, it is best known for holding the headquarters of the church of Deyallor, which towers over the smaller surrounding buildings. It also has historically been one of the largest centers of elf population in the city

Emperor's Road

Found just to the west of the walled city, Emperor’s Road is the wealthiest area beyond the walls. It is largely home to successful merchants and minor nobles, as well as many master craftspeople. It also holds many of the major libraries, museums, theaters, and monuments built after the walled city had largely filled.


Built around the famous Arcane University, Magehill is both the highest point in the city and one of its most beautiful locales. Much of the district is taken up by the university itself, a towering structure of marble and obsidian built vertically as much as horizontally, the top of which consists of a hundred foot stairway tower surrounded by rooms built into floating rocks and connected to the tower by narrow bridges. The rest of the district consists of decorative buildings holding highly specialized shops and the residences of many of the city's magic users. It is the one part of the city not ruled by a noble magistrate, and is instead governed by the regents of the university.


Found just upstream of the walled city, Southport is smaller and quieter than Aureaport to the north. Here ships come and go to the small portion of the Paletar upstream of the rapids, especially Fallbottom which supplies most of the city's timber and much of its grain. It is on one end of the Market Bridge, a wide bridge usually covered with stalls, which stretches across the river to East Aureapolis.

The Pits

Officially known as Nelthira’s Valley, this poor, industrial district is set in a depression in the ground, giving it its nickname The Pits. It is here that most of the city’s larger workshops are found, many owned by House Jakiar, the district's magistrates. Soot covers every surface of the workshops and the stone tenements mixed between, as well as the faces of its residents.

The Walled City

The only part of the city within a set of walls, The Walled City, known often as Central City or The Fortress, is the wealthiest and most glamorous looking part of the city. It includes most of the city's impressive public buildings, some of which boast impressive architecture, along with the houses of most of the nobility. Even the sewers beneath are patrolled by guards. Entrance is often restricted, and requires a fee.


The city of Aureapolis was established in 162 AY after Aurea defeated Zarthax at the battle of Terminus. It's location was chosen to be close to both the Dragonpeaks and the newly conquered lowlands, and it replaced Terminus as the empires capital. The city then grew quickly, outstripping the old capital in population within a generation.   The city remained largely peaceful from then until the last dragon emperor left in 2162 AY, when the city became the center of a decades long civil war. The city eventually recovered, and later succession struggles did little damage, as potential emperors wanted to keep their new prize intact. Aureapolis was not attacked directly during the collapse, but the population has dropped greatly due to both the vast number of deaths in the legions and the shift in economic activity that accompanied the shrinking of the empire.

Points of interest

The Arcane University Built at the top of Magehill, the highest point in the city, this massive structure towers into the sky. Built to train wizards and other magic users, the base of this structure resembles a fortress of marble and obsidian, which then climbs higher and higher into the sky, becoming gradually thinner as it does. The top portion is simply a hundred foot stairway inside a narrow tower, with surrounding rooms built into floating rocks and connected to the tower with narrow bridges. The whole structure looks architecturaly impossible, and is said to only stand due to the use of magic in its construction.   The Aureapolis Bridge Spanning the rapids that run alongside the walled city, the Aureapolis Bridge was built under the direction of the dragon emperors. Built of dark stone, it is lined with massive dragon statues that stare down both over the river and the travellers on the bridge, the striking craftsmanship still aparant despite the statues great age.   Market Bridge This wide bridge is crowded with shops along its edges, and the middle is filled not only by those crossing, but also great numbers of entertainers and many locals who use the open space to relax.


Most of the city is built on the western side of the Paletar River on a series of small hills. A narrow stream known as Dragon Creek flows through much of the city, heavily polluted for most of the way. The area beyond consists mostly of farmland for a ways, with the foothills rising quickly in the south and west toward the massive Dragonpeaks, which are visible from parts of the city.


Aureapolis has a largely temperate climate, with hot summers and cold winters that bring frequent snows. Built on the leeward side of the Dragonpeaks it has limited rainfall—though it is far from a desert—and most crops grown nearby make use glacial water flowing from the nearby mountains.
Founding Date
162 AY
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization