
Dragonborn are a race of reptilian humanoids that greatly resemble dragons. In addition to their scales and claws, they have a breath weapon similar to dragons that can make a dragonborn particularly dangerous in combat. Dragonborn were said to have been created by Deyallor and Dakath, originally in metallic and chromatic forms similar to dragons. However, unlike dragons, dragonborn are a single species, and so over the many millennia of their existence have interbred to the point that the distinction no longer exists.   Like most reptilian races, dragonborn are hatched from eggs. They age much faster then humans but live for a comparative time. Dragonborn are particularly common within the Aurean Empire, where they are seen with special reverence, and the churches of both Deyallor and Dakath consider them to be sacred.

Civilization and Culture


Dragonborn are said to have been created by the gods Deyallor and Dakath at some point in the distant past. In past millennia they were among the most populous races in Obseron, becoming particularly common within the Aurean Empire. However, a massive plague known as The Dragonplague, which also affected dragons and other reptilian species, decimated their numbers in 1734-1737 AY. Their population never recovered, and they now generally dwell in small groups within human settlements.
70-85 years
Average Height
Average Weight
210-270 lbs