
Dragons are large, reptilian creatures that fly with scaly wings. They can live for very long periods of time, often centuries or even millennia, and continue to grow throughout their lives, with the most ancient reaching utterly massive sizes. Dragons scales that cover their bodies are hard enough to form a natural armor, making them difficult to kill. They have the ability to breath out dangerous substances; such as fire, ice, or even lightning. And they are intelligent creatures, with the most intelligent of their kind able to outwit most other beings. All of this makes dragons some of the most powerful of the worlds creatures.   There are several different species, most easily told apart by the color of their scales. These species are generally divided into two groups, the dragons with shiny scales referred to as metallic dragons, and those with duller scales simply called chromatic dragons. Though dragons of any species can vary greatly in personality and ideals, metallic dragons tend to act more benevolently toward others, while chromatic dragons are far more likely to cruel and violent.   Tending to be solitary, dragons almost never live in groups. However, they can be sociable at times, and often maintain relations with dragons dwelling nearby. Though most dragons see themselves as the greatest of all creatures, some occasionally take a liking to the lesser species, particularly humanoids, and will, as they see it, sometimes "adopt" a creature or group as theirs to protect. Other's enjoy manipulating lesser creatures, seeing it as twisted game, while others enjoy simply committing great violence against them, often inflicting great pain on or toying with a terrified creature before killing and consuming it.   Dragons were said to have been created by Deyallor and Dakath, two gods near identical in appearance but opposed in principles who are said to have been in conflict with each other since their creation. Deyallor created the metallic dragons, imbuing them with his sense of benevolence and justice, while Dakath created the chromatic dragons and gifted them his greed and cruelty. While many dragons continue to revere these deities, few join in to their never-ending battle, preferring to keep to themselves.   The greatest exception to this trend toward isolation was over 5000 years ago, when Deyallor worshipers formed The Circle of the Heavens and Dakath worshipers The Order of Dakath. These groups would go on to found the kingdoms of Aurea and Zarthax respectively, thus bringing humans into the eternal war of the dragon gods. Though there have been few humanoid worshipers of Dakath since the fall of Zarthax, Deyallor's worship is still strongly tied to the Aurean Empire, and he is worshiped throughout most of it's former lands.

Civilization and Culture


Dragons were first created by the gods Deyallor and Dakath at some point in the distant past. The chromatic and metallic dragons spent millennia in a war against each other, which ended only when giants emerged and became a threat to both groups. Their war with the giants, known by those who still remember as the War of the Titans, was devestating to both dragons and giants, allowing smaller creatures such as humans, elves, and orcs to dominate the world.   After the War of the Titans ended a little over 5,000 years ago, large groups of dragons came together for the last time to found the rival kingdoms of Aurea and Zarthax. Aurea would win out in this conflict and come to dominate most of Obseron. Dragons, however, would eventually leave the Aurean Empire, and most have come to live largely solitary lives, with no major impact on the world around them.