
Flek is the goddess of forests and the people and animals that dwell in them. She is known to have created most of the animals of the forest, and of some other areas beyond them. Flek is said to enjoy humor and pranks, though usually only lighthearted ones, and pixies often gather around her shrines.
  Her worshipers tend to be those who care about forests and the natural world, and often include people who reject stricter societies in favor of the freedom they often find living in small groups within the forest. She is the daughter of Arthara and Jult.

Divine Domains

Nature, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A leaf. Squirrels and pixies are also common symbols.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Respect and defend the forest and it's residents.
  2. Don't feel the need to obey those who demand things of you, especially if those demands could harm others.
  3. Enjoy your life.
Chaotic Good