
Jult is the god of mountains and of calm and peace. One of the first gods created by Gorrattam, Jult is said to have sculpted the first mountains with the same unending vigor that drives his creator. According to legend, however, he one day stopped, not seeing any compelling reason behind his actions. He has now been in state of dormancy for millennia, as he views doing otherwise as pointless and unnecessary. He is the father of Flek.
  His followers are relatively few, but tend to be those who seek peace and solidude, often in the mountains Jult himself created. Few try to accomplish anything difficult, believing they'll have little effect on the world and that any great effort is wasted. They usually care for little beyond their immiediate surroundings, and enjoy taking life slow and finding pleasure in what others often see as mundane. Many partake in meditation.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A snowcapped peak.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Do not waste time on what is not important.
  2. Take time to appreciate life, never rush.