
Goblinoids are a group of interrelated but highly distinct humanoids species. The most common and well known are goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. They are known for their often malicious nature, and are reviled by most other races. Due to this, goblinoids are largely found in out of the way areas, with the exception of goblins, whose small size allows them a way to hide in almost any area they desire.  


The most common goblinoid, goblins are small, greenish creatures that rarely approaches four feet tall. Though typically selfish and prone to backstabbing, goblins tend to live in large and fairly cooperative groups and dwell in deep and complex warrens dug into the ground or in caverns, on cliff faces, or occasionally deep within sewers. They often tame rats and wolves, which they use as companions and mounts respectively.   Goblins tend to be cautious and will avoid any confrontation where they are not confident in victory, and have likewise become well known for their tendency to run away and hide. Lacking much in physical abilities, they often take advantage of stealth and large numbers, and have a tendency to wait for the perfect moment before striking. They also often act as scavengers, stealing items from the edges of humanoid settlements, including often from dumps and middens.   Goblins usually live in a loose hierarchy, with warrens ruled by a single individual often simply called a boss, whose control is often weak. Bosses are frequently killed or overthrown, and goblin tribes are often dominated by more powerful hobgoblins and bugbears.


  Usually at least as tall and muscular as a human, if not much more so, hobgoblins are more assertive than their smaller kin. Often obsessed with combat, they are seen by many as a more organized version of orcs, though there is no relation between them. They live in very hierarchical societies that they call legions, which are organized around warfare and conquest. These legions are incredibly adept at both the tactical and martial aspects of war, but tend to be relatively small groups that can rarely meet without errupting into violence, which keeps them from threatening larger settlements.   Hobgoblins tend to enjoy dominating others. Hobgoblins often rule over tribes of goblins and bugbears, and will take humanoid slaves during their conquests. Some hobgoblins will even make themselves the new lords of conquered settlements, though this is rare. They more often take control of forts, mines, and strategic chokepoints, which they often fortify.   Hobgoblins make frequent use of tame and domestic animals, which they will travel with and breed. This includes horses, oxen, and sometimes even elephants for transportation and war; ravens for comunication; and chickens, pigs, sheep, and many others for food and clothing. They have a particularly close relationship with worgs — large, intelligent wolf-like creatures who share the hobgoblins violent and malevolent nature. Hobgoblins often use worgs as mounts, usually in willing cooperation with the worgs, who are smart enough to make simple plans and deals.


The largest and least common of this trio, the bugbear is most distinctive for the thick fur covering most of its body. Despite its large size — averaging close to eight feet tall — bugbears are suprisingly stealthy, and prefer to hunt both prey and potential enemies by ambush, fleeing if outmatched. They are also more chaotic than their smaller kin, difficult to control without offers of food and treasure. If payed, however, they can become strong if unreliable allies.
Average Height
Goblin: 3'2"-3'9" Hobgoblin: 5'10"-6'9" Bugbears: 7'3"-8'5"
Average Weight
Goblin: 40-50 lbs. Hobgoblin: 190-250 lbs. Bugbear: 320-410 lbs.