
Orcs are medium humanoids known for their strength and aggression. They tend to be a little taller then humans, with few below six feet tall and many reaching seven, and are much bulkier as well. They are usually greyish in color, and have large, tusk like teeth that stick up above their lip from their lower jaw. Orcs are often reviled by other races due to their often violent nature, and the most common way for others to encounter them are attacks on settlements and caravans, though most orc attacks are directed toward other orcs. Many orcs, however, live more peaceful lives, usually as hunter gatherers in remote areas, some taking great pains to avoid feeding their predisposition towards violence.
  When humans and orcs were first created they quickly became the two most common races on Obseron. They were about equal in number for a time, but as humans began to settle down and farm their population swelled. Soon, massive cities grew where nomadic tribes had once roamed, and the human population dwarfed that of the orcs, as well as all the other races. Orcs, who rarely can stay in large groups for long without violence breaking out, were unable to do so.
  Humans and orcs continued to frequently come into conflict, but the humans were soon winning more often. Orcs were rarely able to form large enough armies to attack the larger human settlements, and raids on smaller ones were met with fierce reprisals. The orcs eventually were pushed into the more remote regions, especially mountains, where they now reside.
  In addition to their drive toward violence, orcs tend to have a stronger sex drive then most other humanoids. They mate frequently with each other, as well as any other humanoid they can find a way to. Orcs are capable of creating viable offspring with humans and elves, and can reproduce with dwarves and ogres, though the offspring tend to be sterile.
  Most orcs worship the god Lurrok, a god of war and violence who was the creator of orcs. Many other orcs worship Arthara, Jult, Xatha, or Throk. Others direct their worship towards nature spirits or their ancestors.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Orcs are generally not skilled at building or crafting. Most live in tents or very basic structures such as lean-tos, or use caves or abandoned buildings. They very rarely make permanent dwellings. Few orcs have the knowledge or skill to make metal tools or weapons, most either using stone or trading for or stealing metal ones. Most orcs enjoy and value violence, and their preferred weapons are usually axes, which are heavy but sharp and can be made from stone, but they are usually happy to make use of whatever is availible.
Average Height
Average Weight
240-300 Lbs