
Movir is a goddess of death, who is said to guard the line between life and death to make sure that each being crosses over only once. She strongly opposes undead, and is an archenemy of Thalassar, the god of the undead. Movir works continuously to stop the raising of undead, but focuses her efforts on the plane where the souls of the dead reside, leaving it to her followers to deal with raised undead.
  Though she often recieves prayers at funerals, Movir has few regular worshippers, consisting mostly of people with a special hatred for undead. However, her temples are widespread, most having few regular services and acting more as places to give prayers and offerings in an effort to keep the dead from rising. She also has a disproportionately large number of clerics and paladins devoted to her, many joining holy orders such as the Order of the Grave that are dedicated to destroying undead.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A scythe

Tenets of Faith

  1. The line between life and death can be crossed only once.
  2. Undead are an abomination that must be destroyed.
Lawful Neutral