
Thalassar is the god of undeath. He has few open followers, but often attracts prayers from those bereaved and desperate over the loss of a loved one. His more committed followers are those who are afraid of eternal death, or who fully embrace undeath like necromancers and liches. Many of these followers see undeath as a positive thing to be celebrated and seek it for themselves and those they care about, even if it just means being raised to a lesser or fully mindless form of undead such as a zombie. For other people his name is usually only spoken in hushed whispers, and many avoid speaking it at all. Thalassar has deap feud with Movir, the goddess who guards the line between life and death.

Divine Domains

Death, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A skeletal hand rising from the earth.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Life need not end with death.
  2. Being raised to undeath is an honor, and is the only way to be saved from eternity.
Neutral Evil