
Nerralla is the goddess of civilization and cities, committed to the expansion of settled society and the building of great cities. Her worshippers see the spread of civilization as the best way to stop violence and scarcity; and tend to be people committed to order and organization, supportive of creativity when put to a worthy cause but distrustful of anything frivolous or whimsical. In some traditions Nerralla is considered a member of The Divine Five.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hammer pounding a chisel.

Tenets of Faith

  1. The whole of society is greater then the individual.
  2. People should work together to create great things.
  3. Large, well organized groups where everyone has their part are the ideal way to live.
  4. Humanoids should spread across the world until they inhabit all parts.
Lawful Neutral