The Divine Five

The Divine Five were a group of five gods that emperor Tiberius III of the Aurean Empire declared to be to only gods acceptable to worship. The gods were Deyallor, Nerralla, Athis, Ithren, and Endil. Tiberius III then began what became known as The Purge, an often bloody attempt to stop the worship of other gods, which would become a factor in the eventual fall of the empire.   The Divine Five is not an official organization, only a vague grouping, and the gods themselves are not thought to be involved in the invention of the concept. It's rejected by most clergy outside of the empire, and has lost much of it's popularity within the empire as well. However, these gods are still honored in official imperial ceremonies, and their temples tend to be larger and more prominent in both current and former imperial cities.
Religious, Pantheon