The Howling Sea

The Howling Sea is the ocean found to the west of Obseron. It is named due to the howling of its strong winds and generally extreme weather, which will often change quickly from calm weather to intense storms. These storms are strong enough to occasionally tear away large sections of land, such as when a massive tidal wave created The Teeth in 4792 AY. There are few islands in the Howling Sea that are far from the coast, and it's surface is generally devoid of life. Ships traveling through tend to stay near the shore, as it can be dangerous to travel far into the sea. Many believe no land lies beyond it.   Below it's surface, the seabed falls off sharply not far from shore, with steep slopes and underwater cliffs often visible to divers who swim from shore. Large numbers of sahuagin, a species of aggresive amphibious humanoids, dwell here in small settlements along the cliffs. Untold horrors are said to dwell in the abyss far beneath them, rarely coming near the surface but inspiring a great number of terrifying legends.