
Xatha is the goddess of exploration and travel, who encourages her followers to traverse the world both to see it and learn about it. She has done relatively little creation compared to the other gods but is known for frequently interacting with the material plane, inspiring mortals and sometimes even traveling amongst them, often disguised in the form of an small and unassuming humanoid such as a halfling or gnome. When not visiting the material plane she explores new worlds created by Gorrattam.
  Xatha's followers tend to be people who enjoy travel and seeing new things. They value their own and others enjoyment and pleasure over more abstract ideals such as duty. They usually enjoy learning, as much or more from observation as through reading or being taught. They tend to despise authority, and the most devout often travel continuously to avoid it. These travelers often make stops at places of great natural beauty, which are said to be blessed by Xatha and are the ultimate symbol of the wonders that might be hidden beyond the next hill or forest.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A cart wheel

Tenets of Faith

  1. Explore the world around you and discover new things.
  2. Make sure to enjoy yourself as you go through life, though without causing harm to others.
  3. No one has the right to control you, don't let them.
  4. Life is fleeting, always appreciate what is around you.
Chaotic Good