

Percentage of Population: 40% Roles: Governance, labor, trade, and various professions. Description: Humans are the most numerous species in New Dawn, involved in all aspects of daily life from manual labor to governance.

High Elves

Percentage of Population: 10% Roles: Magic, scholarship, and some governance. Description: High Elves hold key positions in magical research and education, contributing their knowledge and skills to the fledgling community.


Percentage of Population: 6% Roles: Cultural activities, magical research, and craftsmanship. Description: Plasmoids bring creativity and adaptability to the settlement, often found in artistic and magical professions.


Percentage of Population: 10% Roles: Military, security, and some engineering. Description: The Giff are primarily involved in the settlement's defense and security, benefiting from their military discipline.


Percentage of Population: 10% Roles: Craftsmanship, engineering, and construction. Description: Dwarves are essential for construction and manufacturing, using their skills to build and maintain the settlement's infrastructure.


Percentage of Population: 5% Roles: Technology, innovation, and machinery. Description: Autognomes drive technological advancements, working on machinery and inventions to improve living conditions.


Percentage of Population: 5% Roles: Maritime trade, defense, and wisdom keepers. Description: Tortles contribute to naval defense and trade, also offering their wisdom in advisory roles.


Percentage of Population: 8% Roles: Sailing, climbing, exploration, and scouting. Description: Hadozee are key in exploration and scouting missions, using their agility to navigate difficult terrain.

Other Species

Percentage of Population: 6% Roles: Various. Description: The remaining population comprises various other species, each adding to the settlement's diversity and resilience.

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity


Solaran Ethnicities:

Predominantly humans and high elves, reflecting the core population of old Solara.  

Minor Ethnicities:

Various ethnic groups from across Solara, each contributing unique traditions, languages, and cultural practices.  

Cultural Blending:

Although still nascent, there are emerging signs of cultural blending as people adapt to their new lives together.    

Wealth Distribution


Upper Class (Solaran Trade Circle and Military)

Percentage of Population: 10%   Roles: Governance, high-ranking military officials, and influential traders.   Description: The upper class lives in relatively better conditions, with shack-like buildings that are nicer than the huts of the general populace. They are involved in governance and trade, enjoying more resources and security.    

Middle Class (Skilled Laborers and Merchants)

  Percentage of Population: 20% Roles: Skilled tradespeople, merchants, and some officials. Description: This group lives in modest conditions, involved in skilled trades and small-scale commerce, often benefiting from their association with the Trade Circle.  

Lower Class (General Population)

  Percentage of Population: 70% Roles: Laborers, farmers, unskilled workers, and the majority of the general populace. Description: The majority of the population lives in squalor, crowded into compact townhouse-like huts. They perform essential labor and struggle with limited resources and poor living conditions.  

Professional Distribution

Goverance and Administration

Percentage of Population: 5% Roles: Politicians, bureaucrats, and advisors. Description: These individuals are responsible for the administration and governance of the settlement, primarily drawn from the upper class.  

Military and Security

Percentage of Population: 15% Roles: Soldiers, guards, and security personnel. Description: The military enforcers keep order and provide protection, receiving certain benefits and better living conditions.  

Trade and Commerce

Percentage of Population: 10% Roles: Merchants, traders, and shopkeepers. Description: Trade is still developing, with flea markets and farmers' markets being common. Merchants and traders work to establish a stable economy.  

Craftsmanship and Manufacturing

Percentage of Population: 15% Roles: Blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors, and artisans. Description: Skilled craftsmen and manufacturers produce essential goods and maintain infrastructure, often living modestly.  

Agriculture and Food Production

Percentage of Population: 20% Roles: Farmers, fishermen, and food processors. Description: This group is responsible for providing food and resources, crucial for the settlement's sustenance.  

Magic and Scholarship

Percentage of Population: 5% Roles: Wizards, scholars, and teachers. Description: Focused on the pursuit of knowledge and the practice of magic, these individuals contribute to the settlement's intellectual and magical development.  

Medical and Healing

Percentage of Population: 5% Roles: Doctors, healers, and clerics. Description: Providing essential healthcare and healing services, this group is vital for maintaining the population's health and well-being.  

Construction and Engineering

Percentage of Population: 10% Roles: Engineers, builders, and architects. Description: Involved in building and maintaining the settlement’s infrastructure, this group ensures the development and stability of the community.  

Unskilled Labor

Percentage of Population: 25% Roles: General laborers performing various tasks. Description: This group forms the backbone of the settlement's workforce, performing essential but often undervalued tasks.


Solaran Trade Circle

The Solaran Trade Circle (STC) is the ruling body of New Dawn Settlement, composed of powerful merchants and trade leaders. They have taken on the responsibility of governing the settlement, driven by their need to control resources and maintain order.

Chancellor of the Circle:

The Chancellor is the head of the Council of Leaders and serves as the primary executive authority in the settlement. The Chancellor is responsible for implementing council decisions, overseeing day-to-day administration, and representing the settlement in external matters.

Council of Leaders:

The STC is headed by a Council of Leaders, consisting of the most influential members. This council makes all major decisions regarding governance, trade policies, and the allocation of resources.

Laws and Enforcement


Legal Framework

Codex Solara:
The Codex Solara is the legal framework that governs the settlement. It is a set of laws and regulations established by the STC to ensure order and stability. The Codex covers various aspects of daily life, including trade, property rights, civil behavior, and criminal offenses.

Key Laws:

Curfew Law:
 A curfew is enforced from dusk till dawn to maintain security and order.  
Trade Regulations:
 All trade activities must be registered with the STC, and merchants are required to follow strict guidelines.  
Property Rights: 
Land and property are distributed and managed by the STC, with specific areas designated for residential, commercial, and agricultural use.  
Civil Behavior: 
Laws against theft, assault, and other crimes are strictly enforced to maintain peace and order.

Law Enforcement


Trade Circle Enforcers:

The STC employs a dedicated force known as the Trade Circle Enforcers. These enforcers act as the police and military arm of the government, ensuring laws are followed and maintaining security within the settlement.

 Regular patrols are conducted to enforce curfews and prevent criminal activities.  
 Enforcers investigate crimes and disputes, ensuring justice is served according to the Codex Solara.  
They provide security during major events and protect key members of the STC and other important figures.

Taxation and Resource Management


Taxation System

Resource Tax:
A resource tax is imposed on all goods produced and traded within the settlement. This includes agricultural produce, manufactured goods, and magical items. The tax is collected to fund the settlement’s infrastructure, security, and public services.  
Trade Levies:
Merchants are required to pay trade levies based on the volume and value of their transactions. This system ensures that the STC maintains control over trade and generates revenue to support the settlement.  
Labor Tax:
Citizens are also required to contribute a certain number of labor hours each month for public works and community projects. This labor tax helps with the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, including roads, buildings, and defensive structures.


Lookout Towers:

A few simple wooden platforms or elevated points around the perimeter of the settlement serve as lookout points.
Provide early warning of approaching threats and facilitate communication between enforcers.  


Basic wooden structures housing the Trade Circle Enforcers. These barracks are slightly better maintained than the general populace’s housing.
House the enforcers, ensuring they are ready to maintain order and security.  

Perimeter Fences:

Basic wooden fences or barriers around the settlement to provide a rudimentary form of protection against wild animals and potential attackers.
Offer some level of security and demarcate the boundaries of the settlement.


Water Supply and Sanitation

Water Wells and Basic Pumps:
A few manually dug wells and simple hand-operated pumps are scattered throughout the settlement, providing essential access to fresh water.
Ensure a steady supply of potable water for drinking and basic sanitation. This is heavily guarded by the military.

Basic Latrines and Waste Pits:
Simple latrines and waste pits have been established to manage human waste. These are located at a distance from living areas to prevent contamination.
Improve sanitation and public health by managing waste in the absence of a sophisticated sewage system.


Agriculture and Mining

Windmills and Hand Mills:
A few basic windmills and hand-operated grain mills are used to process grain into flour.
Support food production by processing grains into flour, essential for baking bread and other staple foods.

Simple Furnaces:
Small, manually operated furnaces are used to smelt metals, essential for creating basic tools and weapons.
Enable the production of metal goods needed for construction, defense, and daily life.


Transportation and Trade

Dirt Paths:
Basic dirt paths connect different parts of the settlement. These paths are uneven and can become difficult to traverse during bad weather.
Allow residents to move around the settlement and transport goods.

Makeshift Bridges:
Simple wooden planks and log bridges span any small streams or ditches around the settlement.
Ensure safe and efficient crossing of water bodies, maintaining basic connectivity.

Small Boat Landing:
A small landing area by the river or lake edge for fishing boats and small trade vessels.
Support fishing and limited trade via waterways, enhancing the settlement’s basic economic activities.


Trade and Commerce

Informal Markets:
A few scattered stalls and makeshift stands serve as marketplaces where residents barter and trade goods.
Provide spaces for basic trade and commerce, where residents can buy, sell, and barter essential goods and services.

Central Trading Post:
A central location managed by the Solaran Trade Circle where larger trade deals and resource allocations are organized.
Facilitate larger trade transactions and manage resources for the settlement.


Public and Communal Spaces

Central Courtyard:
An open area in the center of the settlement where public meetings and gatherings take place. Often just a cleared space with a few benches or makeshift seating.
Serve as a venue for public announcements, communal activities, and gatherings.

Temporary Shelters for Ceremonies:
Simple tents or makeshift shelters are erected to accommodate visitors during the Day of Echoes and other significant events.
Provide additional shelter for visitors, ensuring they have a place to stay during major events.


Future Projects

Grand Building for the Trade Circle:
Plans are underway for the construction of a more substantial building to serve as homes and offices for the members of the Solaran Trade Circle.
Centralize the Trade Circle’s operations and offer better housing for its members.


Settlement Overview


1. The Commons (Open District)

The central, accessible area of the settlement. Known for its informal markets, public meeting spaces, and basic services.
Acts as the heart of the community, where social interaction, trade, and communal activities take place.


2. Residential Districts

Areas where the general populace lives in compact, townhouse-like huts.
Provide housing for the majority of the settlement’s population, clustered closely together.


3. Trade Circle Quarters

Temporary, shack-like buildings where members of the Solaran Trade Circle live. These are better maintained than the general populace's housing.
Housing for the STC members, offering slightly better living conditions and proximity to the Council Hall.


4. Military and Enforcer Quarters

Areas where the Trade Circle Enforcers and military personnel are housed. Better maintained and more secure.
Provide accommodation for those responsible for maintaining order and security within the settlement.


5. Agricultural Districts

Farmland and fisheries providing food and resources for the settlement.
Essential for the settlement’s sustenance, these areas are focused on food production and resource gathering.


6. Construction and Industrial Areas

Sites where basic construction, metalworking, and other industrial activities take place.
Support the settlement’s development and maintenance through the production of tools, building materials, and other essentials.


Open District: The Commons



The Commons is the most accessible district of New Dawn Settlement, open to all residents and visitors. It serves as the heart of the community, where people gather for trade, social interaction, and communal activities.



Informal Markets:
Flea markets and farmers' markets where locals trade goods and produce. Stalls and makeshift stands are set up for bartering and selling essential items.  
Public Meeting Areas:
Central courtyards and open spaces where public gatherings, announcements, and events take place.  
Temporary Shelters:
Simple structures erected to accommodate visitors during events like the Day of Echoes.  
Basic Services:
Small, communal wells and latrines scattered throughout the area to serve the basic needs of the population.


Formal Power Structure


Solaran Trade Circle (STC)

The head of the Council of Leaders, responsible for implementing council decisions and overseeing the administration.  
Council of Leaders:
The ruling body of New Dawn Settlement, composed of the most influential merchants and trade leaders.  
Makes all major decisions regarding governance, trade policies, resource allocation, and defense.

District Overseers:
Appointed by the STC to manage specific areas within the settlement.  
Oversee local governance, resource allocation, and conflict resolution within their districts. Report directly to the Council of Leaders.

Trade Circle Enforcers:
Act as the police and military arm of the government, ensuring laws are followed and maintaining security within the settlement.  
Conduct regular patrols, investigate crimes, provide security during major events, and protect key members of the STC.


Informal Power Structure


Religious Leaders

Temple of Solariel Clergy:
Priests and clerics dedicated to the worship of Solariel, the Sun Goddess.  
Conduct religious ceremonies, offer spiritual guidance, and provide basic healing services.  
Hold sway over the faithful, offering moral authority and occasionally influencing STC decisions, especially those related to communal events and moral issues.


Merchant Union

Informal groups of merchants who band together for mutual benefit and protection.  
Influence trade practices, negotiate prices, and support each other in business ventures.  
While not officially part of the government, these guilds have significant sway over the economy and can impact decisions made by the STC.

Guilds and Factions

Solaran Trade Circle (STC)

The Solaran Trade Circle is the most powerful faction in New Dawn Settlement, composed of influential merchants and trade leaders. They hold the reins of governance and control the majority of the settlement's resources.

The STC forms the ruling body of New Dawn, making all major decisions regarding laws, policies, and resource allocation.  
They regulate trade, manage taxation, and oversee economic activities, ensuring their dominance in financial matters.  
The STC spearheads construction projects and public works, aiming to develop and stabilize the settlement.


Key Figures:

The head of the STC and primary executive authority.  
Council of Leaders:
The decision-making body within the STC, composed of the most influential members.


Trade Circle Enforcers

The Trade Circle Enforcers are the police and military arm of the STC, responsible for maintaining order and security within the settlement.

Law Enforcement:
Ensure compliance with the Codex Solara, the settlement's legal framework.  
Protect the settlement from internal and external threats, conducting patrols and investigations.  
Military Power:
Act as the settlement's defense force, providing a sense of security to the residents.


Key Figures:

Captain of the Enforcers:
The leader of the Enforcers, responsible for strategy and operations.  
Officers who oversee different squads and manage day-to-day enforcement activities.


Minor Factions


Merchant Guilds

Informal groups of merchants who band together for mutual benefit and protection. These guilds are crucial in driving the settlement's economy.

Trade Practices:
Influence trade regulations and negotiate prices.  
Economic Impact:
Support each other in business ventures, impacting the settlement's economic stability.  
While not officially part of the government, they lobby the STC for favorable policies.


Key Figures:

Guild Masters:
Leaders of the various merchant guilds, respected for their business acumen and leadership.


Temple of Solariel Clergy

Priests and clerics dedicated to the worship of Solariel, the Sun Goddess, who provide spiritual guidance and basic healing services.

Spiritual Guidance:
Offer moral and spiritual support to the populace.  
Ceremonial Role:
Conduct important ceremonies, including those related to the Day of Echoes.  
Community Support:
Provide basic healing services and moral authority, influencing the STC on moral and ethical issues.


Key Figures:

High Priest/ess:
The leader of the Temple of Solariel, revered for their spiritual authority and wisdom.


Rustic and Functional:

 The architectural style is rustic and functional, focusing on practicality and efficiency. Structures are built to withstand the elements and provide basic shelter.


 The style is influenced by traditional Solaran building techniques, adapted to the available resources and the need for rapid construction. Construction Materials  


 Sourced from nearby forests and salvaged from the ruins of old Solara.
Primarily hardwoods like oak and pine, chosen for their durability and availability.
 Used extensively for framing, walls, and roofing of most residential and communal buildings.  


 Quarried from local areas and salvaged from pre-cataclysmic structures.
Limestone and granite, selected for their strength and ease of access.
 Utilized in the construction of more permanent structures like the Council Hall, watchtowers, and foundational elements of buildings.


Rolling Hills:

 New Dawn Settlement is nestled among gently rolling hills, providing a varied and scenic landscape. These hills offer natural protection and a sense of seclusion, making the area feel more defensible and secure.
 The hills provide strategic vantage points for watchtowers and create natural barriers against potential threats.  

Fresh Water Access:

River and Lake:
The settlement has access to fresh water from a nearby river that winds through the hills and a small lake located on the outskirts. The river provides a steady supply of fresh water, while the lake offers additional resources for fishing and recreation.
These water sources are essential for drinking, irrigation, and basic sanitation, contributing to the settlement’s sustainability and growth.    

Edge of a Sea:

Situated at the edge of a large inland sea, New Dawn enjoys the benefits of both freshwater and saltwater resources. The sea is not as vast as an ocean but is large enough to influence the local climate and provide opportunities for trade and fishing.
 Access to the sea opens up possibilities for maritime trade, fishing, and exploration, enhancing the settlement’s economic potential.
Founding Date
Large town
Included Locations
Owning Organization