The Nascens Guardians

Divine Origins

The Nascens Guardians, followers of Lunaris Nascens, the Waxing Aspect of the Lunar God, originated from an ancient tradition deeply rooted in the transitional phases of life and death. This sect developed in regions of Obsolarum characterized by stark changes between day and night, where the moon's influence is most palpable. The teachings and rituals of the Nascens Guardians evolved from the early tribal cultures that observed the moon's role in the natural world, particularly its effect on the tides and nocturnal life. These communities began to venerate the waxing moon as a symbol of growth, potential, and the journey from life to afterlife. Over time, these beliefs coalesced into a structured religion centered around guiding souls in transition, providing rites for the dead, and supporting those embarking on new phases in life.   As the followers of Lunaris Nascens migrated and interacted with other cultures, they absorbed various elements of lunar worship, expanding their rituals to include ceremonies that emphasize preparation and readiness for change. This adaptability and reverence for life’s transitions became the bedrock of their sacred practices, solidifying their role as guardians of life’s thresholds.

Tenets of Faith

Guide the Transition:

   Members are tasked with facilitating smooth transitions, whether it's for souls moving from life to death or for those undergoing significant life changes. This reflects the Waxing Aspect's role as a guide and guardian at the thresholds of existence.

Honor the Journey:

   Respecting and valuing the journey of life in all its phases, recognizing that every beginning has roots in endings, and that each step is a part of a larger cosmic cycle.  

Provide Comfort and Support:

   Offering emotional and spiritual support to those facing new beginnings or significant changes, ensuring they feel guided and not alone during their transitions.


Twilight Vigils: 

Members of the Nascens Guardians often gather at twilight, the time of day that symbolizes the transition from light to darkness. These vigils involve prayers that focus on guidance and protection during times of change and are seen as a way to honor the liminal state that Lunaris Nascens represents.  

Rites of Passage: 

  The sect places significant emphasis on ceremonies that mark life’s transitions. This includes rituals for births, coming-of-age ceremonies, marriage, and funerals. Each of these rites is designed to invoke Lunaris Nascens’ blessings on the new phases of life, seeking to ensure a smooth transition and the continued growth of the spirit.  

Reflection and Confession:

   Members are encouraged to engage in regular sessions of self-reflection and confession. This practice is believed to clear away past regrets and prepare the individual for future changes, aligning them more closely with the transformative nature of Lunaris Nascens.


Sect Cardinals:

   Each sect, including the Nascens Guardians, has its own set of Cardinals who oversee significant regions or important aspects of that specific sect's doctrine. They are responsible for implementing the Archlunar’s directives within their respective sects and managing the affairs that are unique to their lunar aspect.  

Sect Bishops: 

  Appointed for different dioceses within the sect, these Bishops ensure adherence to the specific teachings and rituals of their sect. They oversee the work of Crescent Priests and ensure the sect’s doctrines are followed within their jurisdictions.  

Crescent Priests:

   The primary spiritual leaders who interact directly with the community, administering sect-specific rites and rituals, and providing spiritual guidance related to the lunar phases—particularly those phases that pertain to their sect.  

Acolytes of Change:

   Junior members of the clergy who support the Crescent Priests, engage in community service, and help with the administration of sacraments, especially those that are significant to the lunar transitions their sect celebrates.


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