Lunaris: Veil of Night

Lunaris: Veil of the Night (a.k.a. Lunaris Nascens / Lunaris Plenus/ Lunaris Caligo)

Lunaris, the enigmatic moon god of Obsolarum, governs the unseen currents of transformation and mutation. Aging backward through the night, he embodies the cycle of life—beginning each evening as an aged sage brimming with wisdom, becoming a vibrant force at midnight, and concluding at dawn as a youthful harbinger of potential. Through his aspects—Waxing, Full, and Waning—Lunaris influences everything from the passage of souls to the mysteries of magic, overseeing all that changes and evolves in the shadowy hours. His followers, ranging from necromancers to sailors, find guidance in the ever-shifting phases of the moon, each seeking their path in the intricate tapestry of twilight and darkness Lunaris weaves.

Divine Domains

Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

  Emphasizes the transitional nature of twilight, the delicate balance between day and night, and the guidance needed during transitions in life.  
  Represents the journey from life to death, overseeing the passage and protection of souls as they move to the afterlife, emphasizing the role of the Waxing moon as a guardian of thresholds.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

  Symbolizes the deep mysteries and powerful energies of the full moon, fostering magic, discovery, and the expansion of arcane knowledge.  
  Highlights the pursuit of understanding and the illumination of truth, much like the full moon lights up the night sky, providing clarity.  
  Reflects the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the weather and the seas, which are at their most potent and unpredictable under the full moon, symbolizing change and the raw power of nature.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

  Captures the deceptive and hidden aspects of the waning moon, where shadows grow and the night deepens, fostering secrecy and cunning.  
  Governs the finality and inevitability of endings, overseeing the cessation of life and the embrace of eternal rest, mirroring the disappearance of the moonlight as it wanes to new moon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

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Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

Lunaris Nascens embodies a robust and enduring figure, symbolizing the nascent and transitional energies of the waxing moon. His body is lean and agile, suitable for the role of a guide for souls transitioning between realms. Occasionally, he exhibits ephemeral signs of aging or weariness as he carries the weight of souls, reflecting their collective burdens and joys.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

In his full moon aspect, Lunaris Plenus appears at the peak of physical and magical potency. His form is radiant and commanding, often depicted with a glowing aura that mirrors the full moon’s brilliance. This aspect suffers no ailments but instead emanates a vigorous health that inspires growth and transformation in all who gaze upon him.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

As Lunaris Caligo, his form begins to show signs of decline, mirroring the diminishing moon. His physique, while still formidable, carries the marks of fading, such as paler skin and more pronounced lines, portraying the inevitability of decay and the end of cycles. Despite these signs, there is a quiet strength in his endurance, representing the grace found in closure and resolution.

Body Features

Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

Lunaris Nascens, as the oldest aspect, presents a venerable appearance, with silver-threaded hair and age-lined features that reflect his vast experiences. His eyes, though aged, sparkle with the wisdom of one who has witnessed the cycles of countless lives and worlds. His posture is slightly stooped, yet his presence remains commanding, a testament to his enduring strength and the gravity of transitioning souls.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

In his prime, Lunaris Plenus carries himself with robust health and vitality. His hair is thick and radiant, framing a face marked by profound knowledge and the power of ongoing change. His build is sturdy, embodying the strength needed to sustain the transformations he oversees, with a skin that glows subtly, echoing the constant flux of the magic he governs.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

As the youngest aspect, Lunaris Caligo appears youthful and agile, with a lithe build that suggests swift movements and the ability to navigate the shadows. His features are sharp and finely drawn, reflecting the sharpness of endings and the keen edge of night. His hair is dark and full, swept back to reveal keen, perceptive eyes that are adept at uncovering hidden truths and exploring the mysteries of the afterlife.

Facial Features

Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

Lunaris Nascens has deep-set eyes shadowed by heavy brows, conveying the weight of wisdom and the solemnity of his role as the ferryman of souls. His face is lined with the marks of age, each wrinkle telling a story of a transition he has overseen. His expression is often contemplative and serene, reflecting his acceptance and understanding of the cyclical nature of life and death.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

The face of Lunaris Plenus is broad and commanding, with high cheekbones that catch the light of his own inner luminescence. His eyes are clear and piercing, symbolizing his focus on knowledge and the magic of change. A confident smile often plays on his lips, indicative of his mastery over the transformative processes he governs.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

Lunaris Caligo features a sharp, angular face with an intense gaze that seems to pierce through the shadows. His eyes are a dark, reflective obsidian, mirroring the depth of the night sky and the secrets it holds. His expression is often mysterious and slightly enigmatic, capturing his connection to the darker aspects of change, such as endings and the hidden forces at play in the world.

Special abilities

Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

Soul Shepherd -
 Lunaris Nascens can guide the souls of the deceased, ensuring their safe passage from the mortal realm to the afterlife. This ability allows him to protect and comfort souls during transitions, preventing them from becoming lost or corrupted.  
Twilight Veil -
 He can manipulate the veil between day and night, creating areas of dim light or darkness that can either hide his followers or disorient his foes.  
Temporal Shift -
 Lunaris Nascens has the power to subtly alter small moments in time, such as rewinding a few seconds to prevent a catastrophe or fast-forwarding a moment to avoid danger.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

Arcane Empowerment -
 This ability amplifies the magical abilities of his followers, granting them enhanced control over their spells and increasing their magical potency for a limited time.  
Knowledge Revelation - 
Lunaris Plenus can unveil hidden knowledge and secrets to his followers. This can manifest as sudden insights, visions of the past, or revelations about future events.  
Celestial Storm - 
He can summon a storm of cosmic energy that disrupts magical energies, can be used to attack enemies or defend allies, and is especially potent against dark magic.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

Shadow Cloak
 Lunaris Caligo can envelop himself or his followers in shadows, making them nearly invisible and silent, perfect for espionage or escaping danger.
Dream Walk - 
He has the ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others, which can be used for communication, interrogation, or causing psychological effects like fear or tranquility.  
End of Cycle - 
This powerful ability allows Lunaris Caligo to hasten the conclusion of things, whether it's the life of a creature, the duration of a spell, or the resolution of a conflict. It represents his dominion over endings and the cessation of change.

Apparel & Accessories

Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

Lunaris Nascens is clad in flowing robes of twilight hues, blending from deep blues to the purples of dusk, symbolizing the transition from day to night. He carries a staff topped with a crescent moon, which glows softly, serving both as a beacon in the spiritual darkness and a tool to guide the souls he ferries. His accessories include an ornate amulet that represents the cycle of life and death, reinforcing his connection to the twilight and grave domains.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

Lunaris Plenus wears a cloak woven with silver threads that shimmer like moonlight, reflecting his affinity with the arcane and the transformative power of knowledge. His attire is complemented by intricate jewelry crafted from meteoric iron and moonstones, enhancing his connection to magic and celestial phenomena. Around his waist, a belt holds various mystical tools and scrolls, underscoring his role as a guardian of arcane secrets and a patron of scholars and magicians.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

Lunaris Caligo's attire is a sleek, dark ensemble that blends seamlessly with the night, suitable for a deity associated with espionage and the unseen aspects of life. He wears a cloak that seems to absorb light, perfect for his secretive endeavors. His accessories include a ring set with a black gem that represents the domain of trickery and a necklace of dark pearls, symbolizing his rule over dreams, nightmares, and the end of change. His garb is both elegant and functional, equipped for the stealth and subtlety required by his followers and their nocturnal activities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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Origin and the First Twilight

In the nascent ages of Obsolarium, shrouded in an eternal dusk crafted from the cosmic threads by the Celestial Weavers, the realm awaited the arrival of night. Lunaris emerged during the cosmic alignment at dusk, around -9700 B.A., introducing the cycle of the moon and the concept of change through his phases. His birth brought about the first night, transforming the twilight into deeper shades and revealing the stars and moon for the first time to the world.

Patron of Change and Growth

With Lunaris's guidance, the Astral Elves, who first settled in Obsolarium around -5000 B.A., embraced the lunar cycles, weaving them into their culture and spirituality. As the guardian of night and transformation, Lunaris influenced the growth and evolution of these early inhabitants, becoming a figure of mysticism and a patron of the arts and arcane studies.

Era of Flux and Shadow

The discovery of Obscuria by other races in -4500 B.A. and subsequent migrations led to a rich blend of cultures but also to conflicts over resources. Lunaris’s phases were seen as omens, guiding those who navigated the complexities of these changes. His influence was crucial during the intermittent periods of tension and peace, providing a constant reminder of the inevitability of change.

Decline and Enlightenment

During the Seafaring Age starting in -3900 B.A., as Solara emerged as a maritime power, Lunaris’s followers used the moon to navigate the seas. However, the Twilight Conflicts around -2500 B.A., a series of resource wars, saw a decline in his worship as fear and mistrust of the night grew. Yet, this period also led to a deeper exploration of lunar magic and the occult, heralding a renaissance in mystical practices.

The Cataclysm and Reflection

When the misuse of the Aeon Orb in year 0 triggered the cataclysm, Lunaris acted subtly but profoundly. While Solariel absorbed the cataclysm’s force, Lunaris worked to stabilize the spiritual plane, guiding souls through the upheaval and maintaining the cycle of life and death. His efforts ensured that the essence of change and transformation continued even in the darkest times.

Legacy and Mystical Pursuits

In the aftermath, as societies rebuilt on fragmented memories, the tales of Lunaris’s interventions during the cataclysm became a part of the mythos surrounding the night and the moon. These stories inspire those in the new era to embrace change and seek understanding in the shadows, recognizing the quiet yet powerful influence of Lunaris in the world's ongoing evolution.

Gender Identity

Lunaris, as a deity of transformation and the moon, embodies the concept of fluidity, making his relationship with gender particularly dynamic. In the realm of Obsolarium, where he presides over change, mutation, and the unseen facets of life, Lunaris transcends traditional gender norms, mirroring the ever-shifting phases of the moon.

Personality Characteristics


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Lunaris Nascens (Waxing Aspect):

  To facilitate growth and transformation in all beings. Lunaris Nascens is driven by the belief that every ending is a new beginning, and he aims to ensure that all transitions in life—be it death, change, or rebirth—are respected and honored. He acts as the guardian of thresholds, ensuring that changes are not only acknowledged but also celebrated as necessary steps in the cosmic dance of life.

Lunaris Plenus (Full Moon Aspect):

  To illuminate the path of knowledge and understanding. Lunaris Plenus seeks to enlighten minds and expand perceptions, guiding beings to deeper insights and higher wisdom. His goal is to empower individuals by enhancing their understanding of the universe and themselves, thereby fostering a society that values continuous learning and self-improvement.

Lunaris Caligo (Waning Aspect):

  To bring closure and peace to all things, ensuring that nothing exists beyond its destined time. Lunaris Caligo is driven by the principle that every cycle must come to an end to maintain the balance of the cosmos. By managing endings—whether of life, conflicts, or eras—he strives to cleanse the old and make way for new beginnings, ensuring that the cycle of life and transformation continues unimpeded.
Divine Classification