Zenith Guardians

Divine Origins

The Zenith Guardians trace their origins to the early periods of organized worship in Obsolarum, specifically within the burgeoning urban centers that began to flourish under Solariel’s light. As cities grew and the complexity of societal interactions increased, the need for a guiding force to maintain order and harmony became evident.   Founding and Development: The sect was formally established in the city of Everglow, a place known for its strategic importance and as a hub of political and economic activity. The teachings and rituals of the Zenith Guardians were developed by a council of early city planners, spiritual leaders, and philosophers who recognized the critical role of structured governance and societal balance in the survival and prosperity of their civilization.   Philosophical Roots: Drawing inspiration from Solariel Meridia’s aspect, the founders of the Zenith Guardians crafted a doctrine that emphasized stability, peace, and the maintenance of established order. They integrated principles from ancient texts on governance and ethics, interpreting Solariel’s zenith passage as a symbol of sustained effort and vigilance in leadership and community welfare.

Tenets of Faith

Uphold Order: 

Emphasize the importance of law, tradition, and structure in daily life. Adherents are expected to respect authority, adhere to societal norms, and contribute to the stability of their community.  

Promote Peace:

 Encourage actions and thoughts that foster harmony and peace among individuals and groups. This includes mediating conflicts, advocating for fair resolutions, and avoiding actions that may lead to discord.  

Serve Community:

 Commit to acts of service that benefit the larger society, such as volunteering, assisting the needy, and engaging in community projects that improve the living conditions of all.


Celebration of Midday:

 Special emphasis is placed on the midday when Solariel is at her zenith in the sky. This time is considered most auspicious, and special midday services are held to honor the high point of the sun and its symbolic representation of the peak of life and civilization.  

Teachings and Learnings:

 Regular sessions are conducted where the teachings of Solariel Meridia regarding peace, order, and governance are discussed. This includes studying the scriptures written by the Scribes of Concord and interpreting them to apply their wisdom in modern-day governance and daily decisions.  

Community Service: 

A significant part of their worship involves community service. This can include organizing public forums for conflict resolution, providing aid to those in need, and participating in the upkeep of public spaces. They believe in active participation in society as a form of devotion.


Viziers of Harmony: 

The highest leaders within the Zenith Guardians, these Viziers oversee the sect’s broader strategic initiatives and work closely with political entities to ensure the maintenance of order and harmony across broader communities. They are responsible for guiding the overall direction of the sect and making decisions that align with the teachings of Solariel Meridia.  

Temple Priests of Meridia: 

Directly under the Viziers, these priests conduct the main ceremonies and rituals that honor Solariel Meridia. They are crucial in implementing the teachings and decisions made by the Viziers and act as spiritual leaders within local temples, guiding the daily religious life of the followers.  

Scribes of Concord: 

These members maintain the temple's records, including documenting the directives from the Viziers and Temple Priests, as well as all religious texts and teachings. They are essential for preserving the sect's knowledge and ensuring continuity of doctrine.  

Anointed of the Zenith: 

These are the devoted laypeople recognized for their dedication and exemplary following of the sect’s teachings. They assist in the temples and are often involved in community outreach, helping to apply the principles of order and peace in practical ways within their communities.


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