Solariel: Guardian of Light

Guardian of Light

High above the vibrant world of Obsolarium, in a sanctuary woven from the purest threads of sunlight, resides Solariel, the radiant Guardian of Light. As the eternal weaver of day, her essence flows through the cycle of the sun—inspiring creation at dawn with gentle hues, nurturing life and order at its zenith, and granting rest and reflection at dusk. From her celestial temple, Solariel watches over the unfolding tapestry of existence, her luminous presence a beacon of hope and renewal for all who dwell under the vast skies of Obsolarium. Her influence is woven into the very fabric of the world, where each sunrise promises new beginnings and every sunset assures that from endings, new paths will emerge.

Divine Domains

Solariel Primora (Morning Aspect):

Highlights the pure and enlightening qualities of the morning sun, bringing clarity and revelation.  
Symbolizes growth, renewal, and the nurturing influence of the early sun.  
Represents the vital connection with the natural world, emphasizing the sun's essential role in sustaining life.

Solariel Meridia (Zenith Aspect):

Focuses on the structured highest point of the sun, symbolizing peak clarity and the establishment of law and organization.  
Reflects the stability and balance brought by the sun at its zenith, promoting harmony and calm.

Vespera Solariel (Evening Aspect):

Governs the end of cycles, including life and the day, symbolizing the sunset and the inevitability of endings.  
Represents the disruptive power of endings and transitions, which can often lead to conflict and upheaval.  
Also includes aspects of resolution and the restful peace that comes after day's end, aligning with the quieter, reflective time of sunset.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

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Morning Aspect:

  At dawn, Solariel appears in her most youthful form, symbolizing new beginnings and the birth of the day. She has radiant, pale skin that seems to capture the soft morning light. Her hair is long, golden, and flows freely like the first rays of the sun piercing through the horizon. Her eyes sparkle with the bright blue of a clear morning sky.

Zenith Aspect:

  As the sun reaches its zenith, Solariel's appearance matures to reflect the full strength and vitality of the midday sun. Her skin glows warmly, as if lit from within, and her hair turns a brilliant shade of sunlit amber, tied back to signify her readiness and determination. Her eyes, a deep azure, reflect the clear blue of the noonday sky.

Evening Aspect:

  At sunset, Solariel takes on the form of an elderly woman, wise and revered. Her skin becomes a softer, muted shade, reflecting the gentle colors of the evening sky. Her hair turns to a graceful silver, echoing the first touch of night's shadow, and is pulled up into an elegant updo, symbolizing her experience and wisdom. Her eyes take on a gentle violet hue, reminiscent of the twilight.

Body Features

Morning Aspect:

  In her Morning Aspect, Solariel appears youthful and ethereal, with pale, almost luminescent skin that seems to capture the soft glow of the dawn

Zenith Aspect:

  At her Zenith, Solariel reflects the robustness and vitality of midday. Her features mature, with a poised and serene expression that commands respect. Her skin takes on a golden hue, radiating the strength and stability of the sun at its peak.

Evening Aspect:

  In the Evening Aspect, Solariel adopts the visage of wisdom and experience and her skin appears more weathered

Facial Features

Morning Aspect

  Her eyes are a bright sky blue, sparkling with the promise of new beginnings. Her long blonde hair flows freely, mirroring the gentle rays of the rising sun. She possesses an athletic build, symbolizing vitality and the energy of a new day.

Zenith Aspect

  Her hair, still blonde, is styled in a complex braid or updo that signifies her authority and the complexities of daily life and governance.

Evening Aspect

  Her eyes, now a deep twilight blue, hold the knowledge and sadness of the passing day. Her hair turns to a soft silver, flowing down in graceful waves or gathered in a low bun, symbolizing the tranquility and closure that evening brings. Her posture is dignified yet bears the gentle stoop of age, embodying the end of cycles and the approach of night.

Special abilities

Morning Aspect (Domains: Light, Life, Nature)

Dawn's Embrace:
Solariel in her Morning Aspect can invoke the first light of dawn to heal and rejuvenate her followers. This ability can restore life, heal injuries, and cure diseases, symbolizing the renewing power of the morning.  
Aura of Growth:
Her presence promotes rapid growth and flourishing of plants and wildlife, making barren lands fertile and restoring ecosystems.  
Light of Inspiration:
Solariel can inspire creativity and enlightenment, granting sudden bursts of insight or creativity to her followers

Zenith Aspect (Domains: Order, Peace)

Solar Shield:
At her peak, Solariel can generate a powerful shield of concentrated sunlight that protects entire cities or armies, reflecting her role in safeguarding civilization.  
Harmonious Command:
She has the ability to instill a sense of peace and order, quelling anger and resolving conflicts. This can be used to negotiate treaties or calm civil unrest.  
Radiant Presence:
Her mere presence can enhance the morale and discipline of her followers, strengthening their resolve and unity during critical times.

Evening Aspect:

Eventide Reckoning:
This ability allows Solariel to harness the energies of the setting sun to bring decisive conclusions to conflicts. In battle, she can invoke Eventide Reckoning to weaken her enemies' resolve or abilities, symbolically bringing their efforts to a close as the day ends.  
Dusk's Calm:
She invokes the tranquility of the evening to diffuse tensions and bring resolution to conflicts, encouraging forgiveness and reconciliation.  
Sunset's Finality:
Solariel can manifest the power of the setting sun to bring decisive endings. This ability can rapidly accelerate the resolution of natural processes or conflicts, bringing them to a natural close. For instance, she could hasten the conclusion of a war by influencing leaders to agree to peace, or she could bring a swift end to a plague by bolstering the environment’s natural healing properties.

Apparel & Accessories

Morning Aspect:

  She wears a flowing robe of light pastels, reminiscent of the dawn sky, that moves with the gentle morning breeze. This form is full of energy and promise, embodying hope and renewal.

Zenith Aspect:

  She dons a robe of vibrant yellow and gold, resembling the sun at its peak, signifying her role in sustaining life and overseeing the daily activities of her followers. This form represents power, stability, and the sustaining force of the sun.  

Evening Aspect:

  She is draped in robes of deep reds and purples, mirroring the sunset’s palette. This form embodies wisdom, closure, and the preparation for rest, reflecting the cycle's end and the introspective time of day.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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Creation and the First Dawn

In the early eons, Obsolarium was a realm of twilight, crafted by the Celestial Weavers from the cosmos's primordial energies. This landscape, rich in elemental life but devoid of sentience, was forever transformed when Solariel was woven into existence during a celestial zenith. Her arrival sparked the First Dawn, a radiant explosion of light that infused the world with vibrant life and color for the first time, initiating the cycles of day and night.

Guardianship and the Rise of Civilization

As the bringer of light, Solariel’s daily passages encouraged the blossoming of Obsolarium's first flora and fauna. Her presence catalyzed the evolution of the Astral Elves, the realm's first sentient beings, who revered her as the divine mother of creation. Under her gentle guidance, these early inhabitants flourished, cultivating a civilization rich in tradition and celestial wisdom.

Conflict and Sorrow

The arrival of new settlers disrupted this harmony, leading to the displacement of the Astral Elves and sparking centuries of conflict. Distraught by the wars tearing through her creation, Solariel wept for centuries. Her divine tears transformed the landscape, creating rivers and canals that became lifelines of trade and communication, fostering slow healing and cooperation among the war-torn communities.

Illness and Recovery

A subsequent period of illness for Solariel caused a devastating drought, which, upon her recovery, turned into a season of abundant growth. This cycle of suffering and relief echoed through the realms, heightening tensions and mistrust, particularly between Umbra and Solara, leading to an era marked by espionage and guarded peace.

The Cataclysm and Sacrifice

The misuse of the Aeon Orb by Umbra precipitated a cataclysm that threatened to destroy Obsolarium. Foreseeing the devastating impact, Solariel made the ultimate sacrifice. She transformed into a celestial barrier during the orb’s zenith, absorbing and tempering the destructive energies. This sacrificial act saved the realm but fragmented her essence, scattering her influence across the cosmos and leaving the inhabitants of Obsolarium to rebuild amidst the ruins.

Legacy and Rebirth

Though her physical form was lost, Solariel's spirit endured as a beacon of hope and resilience. Her story, passed down through generations, serves as a foundational myth of sacrifice and guardianship, inspiring the peoples of Obsolarium to honor the balance of life and embrace cooperative renewal in their continually evolving world.

Gender Identity

Solariel embodies the radiant and inspiring qualities of sunlight, taking a predominantly feminine form. However, as a deity, she transcends traditional gender norms, embodying a spectrum of celestial qualities that surpass human concepts of gender. Her appearance and the perception of her gender may adapt and evolve, reflecting her ethereal and divine nature.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Solariel’s divine light became a symbol of hope, growth, and creativity. Her followers included not only those who toiled in the fields under her nurturing rays but also artists who captured the beauty of her light, and philosophers who saw in her cycles the eternal truths of existence and transformation. The impact of her light on art and society was profound, influencing everything from architectural styles designed to capture her light to the foundational myths that explained the world’s creation.

Personality Characteristics


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Solariel, as a triune goddess embodying the cycle of the day, is driven by a singular, overarching motivation: to maintain the harmony and balance of creation, ensuring that life, order, and transitions occur as destined. Her three aspects—Morning, Zenith, and Evening—pursue this goal in different ways, reflecting the nature of their dominions.

Morning Aspect (Solariel of the Dawn):

  This aspect focuses on the inception and nurturing of life and creation. Her desires are centered around fostering growth, encouraging exploration, and igniting inspiration among all beings. She prioritizes the spread of enlightenment and creativity, striving to fill the world with beauty and new beginnings. Solariel of the Dawn works to ensure that every new day brings with it hope and opportunity for all creatures.

Zenith Aspect (Solariel at High Noon):

  As the zenith represents the peak of the day, this aspect of Solariel emphasizes stability, maintenance, and the sustenance of established orders. Her priorities include overseeing the ongoing processes of life—such as health, governance, and societal structures—ensuring they function smoothly and effectively. She desires to uphold the law and order within societies, making sure that harmony prevails over chaos during the daily trials and routines of her followers.

Evening Aspect (Solariel of the Dusk):

  Representing the closure of the day, this aspect governs endings and the acceptance of fate. Her motivation is to bring things to their natural conclusion, whether it be life, conflict, or peace. She desires peace and resolution, ensuring that all beings come to terms with their eventual end in a dignified and calm manner. The Evening Aspect also handles transitions, aiding souls in their journey to the afterlife and ensuring that they find peace in endings, whether it's the end of a day, a life, or an era.


Family Ties

Solariel is intrinsically connected within a celestial family, comprising her and two other deities who preside over the cosmic balance of Obsolarum. She is the sibling of the Lunaris, Guardian of the Night and Horizatoth, the Guardian of the Horizon. Together, they form a divine triad, each playing a pivotal role in the cycle of day and night and the demarcation of celestial boundaries. Solariel's radiance illuminates the day, while the Lunar God governs the transformations of night through various phases. Horizatoth acts as the keeper of the thresholds, maintaining the delicate balance between their realms and ensuring that each transition flows seamlessly into the next, preserving the harmony of the universe.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Solariel Primora:

  Combining her name with "Primora," which suggests the prime or beginning, to emphasize her role in initiating the cycle of life and creation. This is the Morning aspect of Solariel   

Solariel Meridia:

  "Meridia" refers to the highest point in the sky, the meridian, symbolizing her overseeing the peak of daily activities and maintaining order. This is the Zenith Aspect of Solariel   

Vespera Solariel:

  "Vespera" means evening in Latin, invoking the sense of closure and preparation for the night, suitable for her role in concluding the day. This is the Evening Aspect of Solariel