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Chiboulam Islands (Chee-bowl-am)

A collection of 18 inhabited islands - 1 large with a dormant volcano in the middle, 5 medium islands to the east side of the main island, and 12 smaller islands surrounding the 6 others. Other small land masses occur in the water, but due to either the lack of good soil or the abundance of dreadful creatures, they are not inhabited.   There are no named settlements on the islands, but small communities that trade with each other, with a portion of what they make or grow being given to their Lord (leaders of each community) and to the council. Products given the the Lords are expected to be taken down to the docks for the traders to exchange for gold and items each community needs.   The empire sees the Chiboulam Islands as a lawless region "run by pirates" - a great war was fought over a century ago, where the Islanders refused to kneel to the emperor. They see the region as a no-go, and as it is illegal to trade with pirates.


The main island is a crescent shape and has a large dormant volcano in the center. Buildings are built up the edges of it, above the forests that make up the lower half of the island. The two "points" of the crescent rise into natural vantage points, and as such have had lighthouses build upon them.

Other islands contain dense jungle, rocky fields and open grasslands. Two of the medium islands and one of the smaller islands have plentiful freshwater springs, the water from which is barreled up and distributed to the other islands.


In the winter months, sea mists that envelop entire islands are not uncommon. Some times these mists last a couple of hours, some times they last a couple of days. It is ill-advised to

In the summer months, islands towards the south of the cluster frequently experience thunderstorms. Lightening strikes are so common on some of these islands, it is considered bad fortune for your building to not be struct during the season.

Natural Resources

Many of the smaller islands have rich soil, good for growing crops and raising livestock - one island, Girsej, is home to a flock of 140 sheep, who are raised primarily for their high quality wool. These sheep have complete free reign of the island. The community cares for them together, as they belong to the island not an individual. They shear, card, spin, and weave the wool into fabrics that can then be made into clothing and blankets, some of which are sent to the traders and make their way out into the world.


Traders who have developed relations at sea which the sailors of these islands may be invited to dock on a smaller island to unload their wares - visitors are not often welcomed on the main island where the king and the council reside, over fears that an outsider may challenge the king for the throne.

Ships with empire flags will be attacked on sight.
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