
Moogles were the last race the Aeons created, and they were created for the purpose of spreading information between the islands. Known for the poms that dangle from antenna above their head, Moogles are able to use this unique appendage to connect to the mysterious "Mognet," which enables them to communicate with any other Moogle at long distance, so long as that Moogle is also connected. Moogles were created and strategically placed in all major locations on the islands of Oceanus, and they consider their homes to be whatever place they were created in. Long Pom Moogles are staple members of all major organizations across the islands and spend their days connected to Mognet to relay important news and updates to the organizational leaders at a moment's notice. Long Poms spend their time absorbing everything there is to know about the culture of the area they live in, and accessing one another's knowledge reserves to answer any question that comes their way. Short Pom Moogles run the Moogle Post, a postal system that travels to every civilized island, ensuring safe delivery of letters and packages over long distances. Short Poms are brave and hardy creatures that will stop at nothing to complete their deliveries: they consider the skies their home and pride themselves in having the largest repertoire of places visited and sights seen of any of Oceanus' races.

Basic Information


All Moogles possess a pair of batlike wings on their back and a colored pom that springs from the top of their head, connected to an antenna of varying length.
Long Pom Moogles appear as humanoid lupine beings, covered in fur and bearing long ears that are always perked, listening for any interesting information or unusual sound. Their antennae are long from 1-2 feet in length, causing their pom to dangle behind their back at a distance, and their wings are only strong enough to support their bodies at a hover, a few inches off the ground.
Short Pom Moogles appear as peculiar beings with rounded arms and rounded legs attached to an almost spherical body with a small but strong pair of tiny bat wings on their back that can carry them swiftly, even when carrying great weight. Their heads are also round, with a large red nose in the center of their face, slitted eyes, and a pair of rounded ears that resemble those of a cat. Their poms are attached to the tops of their heads from a short antenna, raising them only a few inches above the head, though they do not dangle like Long Pom antenna, but are rigid and upright at all times, only swaying when disturbed by the wind or other contact.

Genetics and Reproduction

Moogles can only reproduce with other Moogles, and the process involves intertwining their antennae and brushing their against one another until another "pom" is formed between them. The resulting pom is actually a newborn Moogle, known as a Moogling, and will shed its fluffy exterior after a period of approximately one week to reveal a ball of fur with only eyes, nose, and mouth that will one day grow into a full-fledged Moogle. Moogles will rarely attempt to reproduce unless their species loses one of its number, or another organization is formed that requires a Long Pom's services; however, they are known to engage in "pom play" for recreation, on the occasion.

Growth Rate & Stages

A newborn Moogle is known as a Moogling, existing as a round ball of fur with only its face developed, lacking any wings, pom, or other body features. A Moogling's antenna grows in at one year, revealing whether it will be a Short or Long Pom if the mother's race wasn't previously known. After the antenna has grown in, the Moogling will be able to connect to Mognet and begin to take in information from the others of its species; this means, by the time the Moogling is fully grown, it will have had four years to study the knowledge of Mognet, making it entirely capable of taking to an adult Moogle's job at once. The sprouting of wings from a Moogling's back occurs during its fifth year and is an indicator that the Moogling has almost reached adulthood: one month after the wings have formed, the Moogling will experience their final growth spurt, where their bodies and limbs sprout from their head, making them into a full-fledged Moogle. It does not take long for a grown Moogle to seek out their place of employment, but they will be sure to take the time to thank their parents for raising them and sharing a night of goodbyes before departing their childhood residence for good.

Ecology and Habitats

Long Pom Moogles are designed for low-stress environments, where they can keep physical activity to a minimum so they can focus on their connection to Mognet. Their wings can only support them enough to allow them to hover instead of walk, should they choose, though their ears are long and sensitive to the slightest of sounds. Short Pom Moogles, on the other hand, are built to be durable and survive even the harshest of conditions, since they were designed for travel, and their wings are capable of carrying them at extremely rapid speeds.

Biological Cycle

Moogles are unaffected by time and their bodies are impervious to aging.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All Moogles feel a strong connection and kinship with one another, as a result of their ability to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world, ensuring no Moogle is ever alone. Every Moogle knows the name of any other Moogle they meet, and they treat each other with appreciation and goodwill. All Moogles also share a pride in their work, tasked to them by their Aeon creators, and they all agree that the job always comes first.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Moogles are found in all major population centers of Oceanus. Cities, large and small, have Short Pom Moogle Post stations, and the headquarters of any major organizations have Long Pom advisors in residence.

Average Intelligence

Long Pom Moogles are considered highly intelligent, because their constant access to Mognet allows them to have knowledge on nearly any topic at a moment's notice, and their unending life span means they have had ample time to learn how to use that knowledge. Even so, the true intelligence of a Long Pom comes from their ability to synthesize the knowledge they attain, and in this area they often fall slightly short: they are excellent knowledge bases, but it takes life experience, gained over time, for a Long Pom to showcase truly admirable intellectual feats.
Short Pom Moogles, in contrast, are considered somewhat dim. This perception comes from their near-foolhardy bravery and constant self-endangerment for the sake of completing their deliveries. Like the Long Poms, Short Poms are not always deserving of this perception, however, as many are very world-wise and adept at solving the most difficult of problems with a quick Mognet connection and a lot of practical skills that they've developed in their travels.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Moogles are able to activate the poms on their head to connect to the communication called Mognet. "Mognet" is the conveyance of thoughts and information through the Mana of the Lifestream, allowing telepathic communication to occur almost instantaneously between two individuals tapping into the connection. Long Poms are able to connect to Mognet passively--so long as they're not performing any strenuous physical activity--allowing them to be open to communication at any time. Short Poms must activate their poms deliberately, and cannot perform any physical motion while they remain connected to Mognet.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Moogle names start with the letter M, and no Moogles use surnames.

Major Organizations

Moogle Post

Common Taboos

A Moogle that abandons their post is a disgrace to the race at large and will be shunned by others of its kind, even through Mognet.


The Moogles were created by the Aeons as the final race of Oceanus, prior to their Ascension. The Aeons created the Moogles according to the same design, to serve as a lasting connection between the landfolk. Previously, the Aeons had conveyed global events to one another through their innate connection to the Mana, but when they gave up their material forms, this would no longer be possible. Thus, they created a species with a special form of communication--a pom that extended above their heads and could connect with the Lifestream to convey information over long distances, much like the Aeons had communicated amongst themselves in the time before. This ability, which the Moogles came to call "Mognet," made them vital informants and messengers, enabling the spread of information between the islands near instantaneously.   The Aeons ensured that every major city of Oceanus was supplied with a small collective of Moogles. Every ruler was given a Moogle advisor and several major organizations were supplied with Moogle informants as well. These were the Long Poms, Moogles with friendly, approachable features and a more limited range of motion. Though their wings are capable of hovering, they primarily walk from place to place, spreading any news that they receive through their Poms, which are almost always connected to Mognet. The Long Poms are known for their eagerness to learn and curiosity, always keen to fill Mognet with more information, so they can answer any question asked. The remainder of the Moogles were tasked with the responsibility of creating a system of communication between the common folk, so that messages could be conveyed by even those who weren't among the wealthy and elite. These were the Short Poms, and they joined their forces to established the Moogle Post, known now for its slogan: The Post with the Most! Short Poms have a bizarre appearance, but their bodies are surprisingly hardy, able to withstand even the toughest of elements to deliver letters and packages come hell or high water. The Short Poms are known for their eagerness to please and a bit of brashness, rarely checking in to Mognet except to check for danger on their travel paths (and often forgetting to check that until they're in the thick of trouble).   In the modern days you'll rarely meet a Moogle that's off duty. They've perfected the services they provide and are extremely proud of their role in Oceanus' society. Long Poms diligently remain at the right hand of the leaders they assist, reporting current events and relaying messages and requests from other Moogles as they arrive. They are paid primarily in information, and the organization they work for is expected to provide their room and board for their services. Meanwhile, Short Poms traverse the skies, carrying parcel and post from place to place each day and allowing family, friends, and lovers to communicate over even the longest distance, for the appropriate payment. Much of the payoff for Short Poms comes from the adventure, but the coin ensures they're able to eat and enjoy the finer things in life.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Moogles are a staple of modern society and their dedication to their necessary jobs makes them valued members of any society they reside in. Long Poms are often more respected than Short Poms, but it is common knowledge that the Moogles are connected, and cruelty to one will be remembered by all, so they are treated with at least a veneer of respect in all capacities. While it is rare for Moogles to form deep relationships with those outside their race, it is not unheard of. Those who do succeed in this feat are known as Friends of the Moogles, and will be shown exceptional treatment by any Moogles they come in contact with, as their good nature and good memories will be known and shared amongst the whole race via Mognet.   Mooglings are largely helpless and require constant care and attention from a parent, meaning Moogle parents have to entrust the raising of their child to a trusted foster parent, while they tend to their full-time jobs. These foster parents are agreed upon by both the Mogling's parents, chosen from among their friends of other races. Being chosen as a Moogling foster parent is a high honor for a Friend of the Moogles, and is a sign of earning their utmost respect.
Immortal, unless killed by damage to the body
Average Height
3.6 feet/110 centimeters
Average Weight
90 pounds/40 kilograms
Average Physique
Long Pom Moogles are lithe and somewhat thin in appearance, with delicate limbs that could be easily broken. Short Pom Moogles are round and resilient, their rotund bodies built to withstand the elements.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Short Pom Moogles usually have white fur, but the fur color of Long Pom Moogles varies and occasionally has unique patterns.


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