
From the Whispered Wood on the Island of Nym, there is said to exist a race born of the forest itself. Mistaken for butterflies or foliage, these hidden fey are mysterious. From nurturers to tricksters, the Sylphs are as fleeting as the winds themselves. A new generation of Sylph is born each year, and they spend one week in each other's company before being scattered to the winds and sent out to explore the world.  
  • The Zephyr: These Sylphs are playful and friendly by nature. Often committing harmless pranks or playing with the little ones who can see them. They are free as the wind and have beautiful wings as varied and colorful as butterflies, moths and various insects. If one wanders the wood, give a second glance to the butterfly on the edge of your vision. You might be surprised. Zephyrs are drawn to the presence of other Sylphs, enamored by the memory of the life energy that brought them into being. You'll often find groups of Zephyr Sylphs out in the world, living in small communities and sharing the joy of their existence among one another.
  • The Bramble: These Sylphs are naughty and are known to play more sinister or even dangerous pranks. They resemble many leaves and shrubbery, until they move. Their wings resemble leaves as well. Their bodies are far more earth based than their wind kissed cousins. Beware the leaf that stares upon the land you tread. Brambles are drawn to the presence of non-Sylphs, who fascinate them in their differences. Some speculate the reason their tricks are dangerous is to test the limits of other creatures that aren't made of the same life-energy a Sylph comes from. Yet for all their dangerous experiments, Brambles are most likely to form very deep attachments to non-Sylphs, even if that attachment manifests itself in an unlikely form, and they are the type of Sylph most likely to approach you first, or be spotted watching you from the shadows.

Basic Information


Sylph are tiny creatures with wings that mimic insect wings or leaves. Because their bodies are equal parts Mana and physical, Sylph are able to alter their basic physical features at will, allowing them to change the color, length, density, and other aspects of their surface physicality. They are not born with any genitalia, but are able to form it as desired, making them an entirely gender-fluid species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sylph are born when the tree governed by Queen Titania comes into bloom once a year. Each of its blossoms contains a Sylph at its heart, and they come into consciousness when the petals open.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Although no Arcanist would dream of calling it "use" for risk of incurring the wrath of Oberon and Titania, sometimes an Arcanist will form a special bonds with a Sylph, who will come to serve as a constant protector and companion of that individual. Oberon approves all such partnerships before they are permitted, and the terms of the agreement are determined between the Arcanist and the Sylph. If ever a Sylph or Arcanist wishes to revoke this bond, they are choosing to go back on an agreement that is considered near-sacred, and neither will be able to form another such bond in their lifetime; however, should the leaders of Nym or Oberon learn that the Sylph or Arcanist is being mistreated, both parties will sever the bond deliberately and see to it that the abuser is punished for their actions.
Said to be born of the blossoms of the Lifestream Tree
Conservation Status
Although the Sylph are allowed to travel where they please, Oberon decides suiting partners for those Sylph who wish to aid the Scholars of Nym.


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